Under Review
over 2 years ago

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Garmin devices should be able to track naps

Many brands have built nap tracking functionality into their wearables. For some reason Garmin devices only have the ability to track on sleep session per day. This is unsatisfactory - particularly now that sleep stats play such a important function in the newly added Training Readiness score. For those that like to supplement a overnight sleep session with a long afternoon nap, the Training Readiness is consistently underestimating their actual ability to train. Please Garmin add the ability to track naps - even if it is just a simple timer (without sleep phases).

  • I see that many people have been asking for nap tracking for years and yet nothing from garmin. I just don't quite understand why. It's one of the very basic use case of sleep tracking provided by almost every other competitor. The fact that garmin just ignores this request the whole time is quite surprising. Atleast let the users add naps manually. So frustrating. 

  • Read the very top of this thread. You are posting in the wrong place.  Address it in the forum for the device you have.

  • Every time I look at my recovery time ( training readiness), it emphasizes my poor quality of sleep. The body's battery line raises steadily during sleep in the graph, but it doesn't move up when I take a nap ( assuming I'm awake?). It just stays at the same level regardless of longer nap durations. The sleep score is an essential metric and influences many other recovery metrics. I wonder if we can at least activate the sleep mode outside the sleep schedule!    

  • Agreed! My old Pebble was able to track as many sleep sessions per day as I wanted. It wasn't even a health/fitness watch but it was better at tracking sleep than Garmin. I took a nap ONCE in the two years I had a Garmin watch and it overwrote my night sleep, lol. I went from a 92 sleep score to a 38. Pebble also was able to tell exactly when I woke up, to the minute, while Garmin counts the 15 minutes I spend in bed before getting up as sleep. Pebble also had a smart alarm that would wake you during lighter sleep within half an hour of your selected time. Can't believe Garmin can't do that. I love my Garmin watches but this is a glaring shortcoming. My mother has a sleep disorder and still uses Pebble even though it stopped being supported like half a decade ago. I want to get her a Garmin but I simply can't because the sleep tracking is absolute trash.