
Enduro 2 was not exported

Use the SDK 7.2.1 (the latest one) and all devices are up to date. After being uploaded to the Connect IQ store, the Enduro 2 was missing from the list of compatible devices. 

My project uses minSdkVersion="3.0.0", and of course 'fenix7x' was toggled on.

According to the info in the community, the part number '006-B4341-00' (which was Enduro 2) was removed in a recent SDK update.

Is there any way we can bring back the Enduro 2?



  • This and other omissions by Garmin make developing apps for Garmin less attractive.

    We can never be sure that new problems will not arise after some time.

  • > An up to date firmware Enduro 2 should now use the same part number as the Fenix 7x. Downloading the latest device config files for the Fenix 7x from the SDK manager will also get rid of this part number from the config and prevent any problems when exporting for this device.

    That's what I would've assumed from the fact that the enduro 2 part number was removed.

    But that leads to the following question: why hasn't the deviceTypes API endpoint (used by the store's device tab) been updated? (

    The JSON response for this endpoint maps "006-B4341-00" to "Enduro 2", and does not map any other part number to "Enduro 2". "006-B4341-00" is the old part number for Enduro 2 that was removed.

    I understand why the old mapping would remain, for backwards compatibility, but why hasn't a new mapping been adding? i.e. Why hasn't a mapping been added from the "main part number" for fenix7x ("006-B3907-00") to "Enduro 2"? Or why hasn't the mapping for the main part number been updated so that one of the additionalNames is "Enduro 2", so it shows up in the store properly?

    Is this something else that has been forgotten? Or maybe it's not planned to be done?

    Also, why isn't the part number scheme transparent to developers? There's no official explanation of part numbers except what we devs can indirectly glean from various sources (like the deviceTypes API used by the store) or the FIT SDK (

    In the past the part number scheme may have been fairly "obvious" to devs as there were typically 2 part numbers: one for worldwide devices and one for APAC devices (especially given the existence of the worldWidePartNumber field.)

    But the situation for fenix7x was far from obvious:

    - 006-B3907-00: "fēnix® 7X - Solar Edition", "fēnix® 7X– Sapphire Solar Edition", "quatix® 7X – Solar Edition"
    - 006-B3910-00: "fenix 7X", "quatix® 7X" (Asia)
    - 006-B4135-00: "tactix® 7 – Pro Ballistics Edition", "tactix® 7 – Pro Edition"
    - 006-B4341-00: "Enduro 2"

    The first two part numbers appear to reflect the standard WW vs APAC split. But how would devs be expected to know that 006-B4135-00 is for Tactix and 006-B4341-00 is for Enduro 2? And when it was explained that the part number for Enduro 2 was going away (but only in response to a bug report, not proactively), were we supposed to guess that the main part number would be assigned to Enduro 2?

    Yeah, I get that Garmin doesn't want us to have to care about part numbers.

    Yet part numbers are referred to in the CIQ device reference page, and in compiler.json, and they're associated with attributes that we care about (like fonts, languages, and CIQ/firmware versions.)

    > I checked an Enduro 2 before and after the firmware update and the part number was not updated to the Fenix 7x. The device team was notified and are getting it fixed.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's really interesting to me that this change, which was obviously planned ahead of time, was forgotten even after the multiple related bug reports were filed (about Enduro not supporting CIQ 5) and the CIQ team informed us that the Enduro 2 part number would be going away. Like we all forget stuff, but it's strange to forget something especially after telling people we're going to do it, and after those people have asked multiple times about the same subject. I get that there's separate teams in play here, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time there's been some miscommunication or de-syncing.

    Maybe I'm naive, but I would've thought that all the attention to the Enduro 2 issue from devs would've led to at least a tiny bit of extra attention on Garmin's side. e.g. "People are asking about Enduro 2, let's double-check that both sides were updated."

    This bug has been open for almost a month, and the problem may have existed for up to 2 months. So this whole time, nobody has been able to release apps for Enduro 2, because one team assumed that another team did a certain thing, even though devs have complained that it doesn't work.

    Idk if there's just no time to triage bugs, or if it was assumed that the devs don't know what they're talking about (i.e. they should just wait for Enduro 2 users to update their firmware and everything will work.) Even if that were the case (that a firmware update would've fixed the problem), that was never explicitly explained to us.

    Pretty disappointing tbh. Sorry for the rant, but this isn't the first time something like this happened. I once filed a bug report about a simulator misconfiguration for the original Enduro, and it was acknowledged immediately with a promise to fix the CIQ simulator.json file, which was great. But years passed and it wasn't fixed. I responded in the same thread and it turns out it was forgotten. To be fair it eventually got fixed, and maybe I shouldn't have waited years before checking, but at the same time it's not exactly my job.

  • I checked an Enduro 2 before and after the firmware update and the part number was not updated to the Fenix 7x. The device team was notified and are getting it fixed.

  • My understanding is that Enduro 2 users have to update their firmware in order to download any ConnectIQ app/data field that has Fenix 7x / Enduro 2 (they are listed together, or at least at one time were). I, as a developer, do not need to recompile my app. I have been telling my Enduro 2 users to make sure they have updated to the latest firmware and haven't heard back from them. So I am guessing they were able to install the data field after they updated their firmware? Or can someone ELI5 what I need to do to get my data field onto an Enduro 2 device? 

  • At the moment, Enduro 2 users are sending me complaints about the unavailability of my recently compiled applications (). There is no such problem with applications compiled in May and earlier.

    Users firmware has been updated to the latest version. Compilation was done with SDK 7.2.1 and fully updated devices in SDK manager.