Ticket Created
over 2 years ago


Issue reproduced and sent to CIQ Store App team. Issue was tested on iOS and Android to verify if both platforms were affected. Issue was only found to persist in iOS.

Connect Iq iOS cannot save group settings

In version 2.14 the save button in a group settings does not work. Even worse, when going back to settings the save button disappears.

  • Yes, having the same problem.  Settings from regular fields are saved.  However, settings in the groups only appear to be saved (when the save button is available), but in reality they are not.  They remain unchanged from the way they were set in Garmin Express.  They also work in the simulator as described by the post from 9768966.  On iOS (15.6), neither the Connect IQ App ( nor Connect IQ store App (2.18) seem to be reading grouped settings from the device (and Edge 530) or saving them to the device. 

  • I have the same issue on Android as well using both 4.1.4 and 4.1.5 SDK versions.  The end user can change the settings, they take affect on the watch.  But, when they go back to make other settings changes, all the settings are reset to the default settings.  So, when they change another setting, there previous changes get undone.  I had to remove all the "group" sections of the settings.xml and put everything back on a single page display and everything worked.

  • I confirm this issue is still reproducible. Quite frustrating, as the settings groups work well in the simulator.

  • Garmin: Any updates on when this issue might be fixed?

    It's still broken in iOS version 2.15, released a week ago. Very frustrating!