
bug: can't use Menu2 in system7 devices in the simulator

SDK 6.4.2, I use Menu2, and it works on devices like fenix6, but it doesn't work on devices like fr255 since the newest update of the devices a few days ago. I think it's down to the addition of CIQ 5.0.0 to these devices. I checked it on a real fr965 and it works, so the problem is only in the simulator.

Error: Unhandled Exception
Exception: UnexpectedTypeException: Unexpected title type, expected String, string ResourceId, or Drawable
  - setTitle() at 704b03c0.mb:2988 0x300067ed 
  - initialize() at 704b03c0.mb:2956 0x3000684d 
  - initialize() at MyApp/bin/gen/006-B4024-00/source/Rez.mcgen:35 0x1000708c 
  - onMenu() at MyApp/source/ 0x1000373f 
  - onMenu() at 704b03c0.mb:1407 0x30005530 

the code:

    function onMenu() as Boolean {
        WatchUi.pushView(new Rez.Menus.MainMenu2(), new MyDelegate(), WatchUi.SLIDE_RIGHT);
        return true;

  • I can reproduce it: SDK 6.4.2, Menu2Sample (of the same SDK), fr955 in the simulator:

    Error: Unhandled Exception
    Exception: UnexpectedTypeException: Unexpected string type, expected String or string ResourceId
      - setText() at 704b03c0.mb:5595 0x30004c19 
      - initialize() at 704b03c0.mb:5442 0x300048d4 
      - MainLayout() at /Users/me/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-mac-6.4.2-2024-01-04-a1dd13ee0/samples/Menu2Sample/bin/gen/006-B4024-00/source/Rez.mcgen:45 0x10001fb4 
      - onLayout() at /Users/me/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-mac-6.4.2-2024-01-04-a1dd13ee0/samples/Menu2Sample/source/ 0x10001b68 

  • Looks like there is something else involved.  On win11, with the latest devices, using apps with typechecking off. Menu2 is working fine for me with both the 6.4.2 and 7.1.0 SDK with both System7 and pre-System7 devices.

    If you try the Menu2Sample from the 6.4.2 sample and the one from the 7.1.0, can you reproduce this?