Datafield: Average Pace Over Period

Average Pace Over Period

Average Pace Over Period v0.7

This data field continuously calculates the average pace over a given period of time. Pace is shown in min/km or min/miles, depending on user settings. This version is limited to the average over a two minute period. When user-specified properties are made available, I will release an updated version where the user can specify the period.

To smoothen the pace the data field is only using data from when timer is running. This is to prevent stopping at red lights and so on from interfering with the average pace. I'm considering adding a filter to remove sudden, large jumps in pace to further improve the smoothing.

Due to several requests in the Fenix 3 forum, two other versions are available for sideloading (for Fenix 3 and 920XT only):
Update April 28, 2015: The 30s version now resets the calculation if you stand still for more than 15 seconds.

  • 1 min Average Pace - Fenix 3
  • 30 sec Average Pace - Fenix 3

  • 1 min Average Pace - 920XT
  • 30 sec Average Pace - 920XT

(Download .PRG file, connect watch with USB, place .PRG file in GARMIN/APPS/ folder)


Version 0.7 - March 26, 2015:
  • Tweaked the pace averaging filter.

Version 0.6 - March 23, 2015:
  • Removed leading zero from minute field.
  • Fixed leading zero bug in seconds field.
  • Added experimental filter to only use data from when timer is running.

Version 0.5 - March 16, 2015:
  • Initial version.
  • great idea.
    Thanks for your effort
  • I installed and used the 1-minute field, and it worked really well for me today.
    Todays run was a Progressive Pace 6 x 10min, so the Lap Pace averages over 10 minutes.
    The course is quite hilly, so I run to effort, rather than actual pace, and I get constant pace alerts that I'm either too slow (up hill), or too fast (downhill) !
    I do try to maintain a target average pace for the piece, but over 10 minutes, this is difficult.
    The 1-minute pace gave me a good feel for how I was tracking both up hill and down, and for the last section of each piece I was able to maintain the target pace over a flat section, despite whether I've just come off a down or up hill.
    Very convenient.
  • Hi,

    when do you plan to release the 1min avg data filed in the ConnectIQ Store?

  • I probably won't release a separate field with 1 min average.
    The reason is that I don't want to flood the app store with different versions of what is essentially the same datafield, I'd rather wait for Garmin to support user settings.

    You can always load the .PRG linked in the first post directly (connect watch, put .PRG file in GARMIN/APPS folder).

  • Hi,

    thanks....was not aware to put it on the watch this way....learnt something new.

  • Tested 2min today, will test 1 min next time. Now I can say that thanks to your field Pace-from-footpod is no longer a must.
    We really don't know when garmin will update connectiq, meanwhile can you compile a 30sec version too? We'd test it, it may be enough smoothing for stability but more responsive.
    Great job!!
  • I can do a 30 sec version tomorrow, no problem :-)

  • Added link to 30 sec version.
    Please test, I'm a bit unsure if it is a good idea to filter out 0 speed values with shorter averaging periods.
  • I just tested 30min-pace while a short walk. Even for walking it worked well and showed stable pace.

    An idea:
    Add two new parameters:
    Threshold-pace-change-time = 15 sec
    Threshold-pace-change-value = 2 min/km

    So if I'm sprinting, then after 15 seconds it's obvious, that pace fundamentally changed (on more then 2 min/km). So, no need to keep old pace data in the buffer, use only recent data to average and show on the screen.

    This way, if I'm jogging, 2 min average pace will be shown - very stable, but if I started sprinting, field would react much quicker.
  • everytime I 'sideload' (move a .prg into /APPS ) on the f3, it removes all ConnectIQ apps from my watch after rebooting. Anyone else seeing this? I'd like to try the 30s pace!