Normalized Power fomula by garmin

in edge 130 there is missing NP data field so i want to develop such field but i dont know what formula for normalized power is used by garmin.
anybody knows?
  • Hi, I'd like to catch up on this old topic. I'm writing a datafield app that operates a Normalized Power and I've implemented the algorithm mentioned by (many thanks for sharing it with us). However, after the first real 2-hour ride, I noticed that my app calculated 1 Watt greater NP than the native Garmin 1030 datafield. Maybe it's just some rounding error, but I'd like to confirm whether I do all the things correctly:

    • I'm starting to calculate NP only after the first 30 power values are collected
    • I'm including zeroes
    • If timer is paused during the activity, I'm not resetting the 30-second circular queue and just continue to fill this queue after the timer resume
    • I'm rounding the final value, not truncating it


  • Check it on desktop, my algorithm shows decimals on desktop but not in mobile, I have reported this to garmin, otherwise convert to float

  • Values in the native datafield on the device, on mobile GC, and on desktop GC are consistent. Only the value in my custom datafield is 1 Watt higher. May it be that Garmin's native algorithm truncates the value instead of rounding?

  • So looks like that's the actual cause - Garmin doesn't much care about rounding integer values when formates them as a string.

    I noticed the same behavior with temperature - value retrieved from Sensor.getInfo().temperature after rounding was often greater by 1° than the "native" value displayed on Edge 1030 top bar.

    So I simplified my code for displaying NP value from

    npString = "NP: " + Math.round(npFloat).format("%d");


    npString = "NP: " + npFloat.format("%d");

    and it seems to be consistent with the native Garmin's NP value now