Download numbers displayed in the Store are wildly off.


I have a watch face that shows up as having "100+" downloads.

On the Statistics page there is a per-device breakdown and shown percentages don't work for any number between under 1000.

It's just not possible to arrive at indicated percentage for any combination of p/q where q < 1000.

If you put yourselves into our (developer's) shoes, you'd agree that this looks pretty damn fishy.


Also, while we are on this subject -

Show what you must to the public, but PLEASE, for the love of God show us exact download numbers on the Statistics page.

It's trivial to implement and will go a long, long way towards building trust in the Store platform.

Most of non-Garmin developers

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  • the status quo is really quite bad

    Things are the way they are bc they’ve always been that way.

    No change or improvement is desirable or possible.

    Given the volume of posts in these Forums there could be a Garmin rep in every thread and even then it won't be a full-time job for a single person. And, yet, instead we have you chime in in every thread to try and dismiss issues as old, "it's always been that way" or in some other apologetic form of the same.

    Why pay someone to rep Garmin in the forums when ppl will do it for free???

    dismiss issues as old, "it's always been that way" or in some other apologetic form of the same.

    new poster: *asks for commonly requested feature*
    forum regular: “ppl have been asking for that for years, it won’t happen”

    new poster: *asks for rarely requested feature* (rarely requested in the context of garmin ciq, but probably a normal request in other places)
    forum regular: ‘I don’t know what that is” / “nobody ever asks for that”

    Basically, nobody should ever ask for anything

    Given the amount of head-in-the-sand excuses given here by "experienced developers" for even minor gripes aimed at Garmin, it sure feels like most of them are under Stockholm syndrome.

    If you complain about anything anywhere in the forums (not just the CIQ section), it’s almost guaranteed that a forum regular will attack you or dismiss your issue.

    Basically some ppl seem to feel like the forums are only a place to ask for technical support on easily solvable problems (e.g. stuff you can find in the manual, that’s common folk forum knowledge, or that they have personal experience with.) If it’s something that’s the slightest bit controversial, requires any amount of analysis or independent research, or would indicate an issue on Garmin’s side, it’s usually not well received (unless it’s a blatant issue that *everyone* is seeing). (The default knee jerk assumption is that the user is doing something wrong or is mistaken in their belief that they’ve found a bug.)

    No criticism or complaining allowed! 

  • Bump.

    People of Garmin, can we please get a reply?

  • Bump. Garmin, an answer please?