Learning to code with Monkey C or is another language better?

Hi, I am interested in learning to create apps for my Garmin watch but have no real experience writing proper code. So far I have managed to modify a popular watchface with code on GitHub with some success. The issue is I am fumbling my way through using lots of Google searches to find answers to problems I encounter along the way without learning any fundamentals of how to structure my code.

The Garmin developer site has lots of good information but it can be a little hard to follow for someone without any proper coding experience. All the searches I’ve done for monkey c tutorials seem to either lead back to the Garmin developer site. Would it be helpful to learn a different language like Java or JavaScript or something else that is more popular than monkey c with more learning resources available, then with that knowledge move to monkey c? If so, what language would be a good place to start?

Brief coding background: during Covid lockdown I wrote a simple text to speech app for my iPhone as a learning exercise. The app worked and I was very happy with my achievement but I felt way out of my league. I am now currently playing with code I found on GitHub for a popular watchface. I’ve managed to modify the code to also display utc time below the local time and be able to optionally select the utc time on and off from the connectiq app on my phone. I uploaded the app as a beta version for my personal use on my own watch for testing. Experimenting with the code from an existing working watchface has been helpful but it’s not teaching me the basics. For example, how and when should I use a class or as function and is it good practice to have a different .mc source file for each class or is it personal preference whether you use multiple source files or a single file?

Any help or advice on a good place to start will be appreciated.