Settings not saved IQ store for my Vivoactive 4s. I tried with several widget settings and none of them seems to save the changes... Someone else has this problem?
Settings not saved IQ store for my Vivoactive 4s. I tried with several widget settings and none of them seems to save the changes... Someone else has this problem?
Have you tried just uninstalling the app and re-installing it?
Sometimes a simple reinstall doesn't help. Need to delete, turn off and turn on the watch (this will delete the previous settings file), install it again.
Hi guys,
The checkdisk thingy I will try asap, thanks for this one.
And thanks also for your other answers. Well, I did already a reinstall of all widgets and apps, even uninstalled connect IQ and reset the watch again - no changes.
With the Garmin apps, everything seems fine, when pressing "save" the settings tab closes automatically. But not with a single thirdparty widget or app. Nothing(!) happens when pressing the button (beside a grey shadow, which shows, that I pressed the button properly), and also after pressing it 20 times there's no change in this. :-O
Just tried out the idea with uninstalling one of the problematic widgets and then rebooting watch and phone simultaneously. No solution... :-(
Well, what could I try next? Thank you so much(!) for your ideas about it!!
I've android/Samsung 12 and f6/f7 - and no any problems.
Yes, S22 and Android 13, no problems. Old phone with Android 8, problems. Had to use an old version of CIQ app.
my psx-1/psx-7/psx-8 supports fr735 and I'm sure settings runs well (I've tested it on vhr also 2.4) so install one of them and check it.
Meanwhile I have a FR245.
All my apps support 245 and settings should be saved.
Have you tried settings with Garmin express on a mac/pc?
You're not trying to use something like "groups" in settings, right?
You won't be able to try chkdsk as I don't think that is possible on an mtp drive. As this affects all CIQ apps, something is really messed up, so you'd be best off doing a full master reset of the device.