custom font adding

Hi, I am trying to make a custom font and I tried several options Ive seen in this forum from old discussions Ive seen here and from the tutorial here: . I came up with the following code:

sadly it is not showing the font I wanted (even not showing anything as the clock, but when I change line 34 from

dc.drawText(dc.getWidth()/2,dc.getHeight()/2.06, font, timeString, Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER|Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_VCENTER);  

to  dc.drawText(dc.getWidth()/2,dc.getHeight()/2.06, Graphics.FONT_NUMBER_MILD, timeString, Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER|Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_VCENTER);

everything works fine but without the font I want). my fonts.xml file is:

  1. <fonts>
  2. <font id= "customFont" filename= "custom.fnt" />
  3. </fonts>

here is my navigator

Hope that you can help me out with it and that I'm just missing a small line  and not something serious that takes time to code. TY for everyone in advance. As a really beginner I find this forum really helpful for my questions and makes me understand Monkey C way better than what I started with!