Force simulator to use Chrome while makeOAuthRequest

When you call makeOAuthRequest() or openWebPage() on Windows 10 the simulator will open the webpage in Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). The webpage which I'm trying to access no longer supports this ancient browser.

The question is: How can I force the simulator to open the webpage with Chrome or Firefox?

  • Win11 requires a machine with a GPU, so not all users could update

    I think you mean a TPM, not a GPU. Actually, Windows 11 requires TPM 2.0 (released in 2014, and fairly common in devices made in recent years)

    You can probably update your old laptop to Windows 11 if you really want to tho, provided it has the older TPM 1.2 (which has been around since about 2005). Even Microsoft has provided instructions on doing so:

    Microsoft recommends against installing Windows 11 on a device that does not meet the Windows 11 minimum system requirements. If you choose to install Windows 11 on a device that does not meet these requirements, and you acknowledge and understand the risks, you can create the following registry key values and bypass the check for TPM 2.0 (at least TPM 1.2 is required) and the CPU family and model.

    You can even find instructions for doing a clean Windows 11 installation on a computer with no TPM at all:


    I seem to recall that when win11 was announced there were changes in this area by MS, so it could work on win11 and not win10...

    Windows 11 ended the practice of preinstalling the Internet Explorer app, but the IE core component still exists, as IE is integrated into Windows. (That's what the whole antitrust lawsuit was about, back in the day. All this time later, IE is still deeply embedded in Windows, but obv nobody cares anymore.)

    You can easily open an Internet Explorer window on an unmodified Windows 11 installation by creating a shortcut with the following command or pasting it into the Run dialog (Win-R), the File Explorer address bar, or the terminal / command prompt.

    %systemroot%\System32\conhost.exe powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle hidden -command "(new-object -com internetexplorer.application).visible=$true"