Anybody have example of sliding text?

Does anybody have some sort of example how to scroll for instace a long text in highpowermode?

I mean a word like: I do not fit...       << (I do not fit here but scrolling fits)

is shortened with three dots ... and the rest of it would scroll smoothly in highpowermode like in Garmin navigation menu forth and back so that the word would look like: here but scrolling fits...

Perhaps you get the idea?-)

I probably have to start a timer with quite a small delay and somehow move the text... but any hints - appreciated!

  • How is it on an actual device?  It won't scroll unless it's a device with liveUpdates = true, and ones that do, it may impact the speed of going through the glances.  (what if there were 3 using 50ms timers next to each other?)

    Oh wow this again. Thanks for the preemptive criticism, as always.

    1) What makes you think this is a glance? Do you see the words "glance" or "widget" anywhere in this thread?

    2) Even if it is supposed to be a glance, I posted a real-life example of a scrolling glance on a 945 LTE and it works fine, even next to other CIQ glances and native scrolling glances. I saw 0 performance impact scrolling vertically past my scrolling glance, which is a lot more than I can say for the native Notifications widget, which always freezes the UI for a seconds when I scroll past it

    3) You can easily mitigate any performance concerns by delaying the start of your scrolling animation for a few seconds, similar to what Garmin does for the things like the Music glance. If you wait long enough, users who casually scroll past your glance won't even see the start of horizontal scrolling, so there will be 0 performance impact

    4) You can test on a real device (as you always preach) and disable this feature for any devices which are too slow (in your judgment). Like I tested on a 945 LTE and it worked fine, so I would be fairly confident implementing this feature on any device which is in the same generation or newer. Or perhaps I would use the CIQ Tree Benchmark to gauge the relative performance capabilities of other watches compared to 945 LTE.

    EDIT: yep you were right this is a glance. Good point about liveUpdates, but that doesn't stop him from using this feature for devices which do support live updates, IMO, if sensible precautions are taken, as mentioned above.

  • I don't have a device with glance. So I need to publish it in CIQ store to check the glance effect on a real device.

    But on a normal widget view , it works fine.

    Click here to play this video

    I am not familiar with live updates which seems to have sth. to do with glance.

    (what if there were 3 using 50ms timers next to each other?)

    I am using a shared timer in the entry class. Glance view and the normal views are using the same one. They won't use a timer simultaneously I think.

  • I am not familiar with live updates which seems to have sth. to do with glance.

    In the glance view, WatchUi.requestUpdate() has no effect for devices don't have live glance updates, and onUpdate() will be called infrequently. (These are any glance devices which don't support music.)

    Basically these glances update very slowly (too slowly to do animations). Like they'll probably update only once when they scroll into view.


    You can see the results in the simulator or check the device folder > simulator.json > glance.liveUpdates.

    Note that the enduro device definition has a bug - it says liveUpdates = true, but the real device does not support live updates.

  • OH. NO WONDER. I found it didn't work on fr245 before but curious the culprit. Thanks, I don't know liveUpdates before.

  • In core topics, you'll see this:(

    Devices that have ample resources [1] will start the Widget in Glance mode, and keep it alive. The provided GlanceView will be updated as needed by the system, and calls to WatchUi.requestUpdate() will trigger a View update as expected.

    Note: It’s highly recommended that the update rate should be kept under 1HZ to provide a better scrolling experience.

    You may not want to do this in a glance, but only in full screen.  This can impact the glances around your, and those devs get contacted because things are slow for theirs, and they have no idea why.

  • Note: It’s highly recommended that the update rate should be kept under 1HZ to provide a better scrolling experience.

    You may not want to do this in a glance, but only in full screen.  This can impact the glances around your, and those devs get contacted because things are slow for theirs, and they have no idea why.

    And yet you ignored what I said about delaying the start of your scrolling animation, and how I posted a real-life example of how scrolling didn't affect glances around mine (yet the built-in Notifications widget had a noticeable performance impact which Garmin doesn't seem interested in fixing.)

  • Thanks for your remind. JIM, you are always in time and patient