Toybox::Time::Gregorian::Info daylight saving time bug?

I believe I have discovered a daylight saving time bug (connectiq 1.1.3). It seems that when you get the info for a moment in order to display this, it displays it with respect to the current daylight saving time rather than the appropriate daylight saving time for the moment.

Take the following code which creates a moment based on the values specified given in UTC:

var m = Greg.moment({ :year => 2015, :month => 10, :day => 15, :hour => 14, :minute => 0, :second => 0 });
var i =, Time.FORMAT_MEDIUM);
Sys.println(Lang.format("$1$ $2$ $3$ $4$:$5$:$6$", [i.month,, i.year, i.hour.format("%02d"), i.min.format("%02d"), i.sec.format("%02d")]));

m = Greg.moment({ :year => 2015, :month => 11, :day => 15, :hour => 14, :minute => 0, :second => 0 });
Sys.println(Lang.format("$1$ $2$ $3$ $4$:$5$:$6$", [i.month,, i.year, i.hour.format("%02d"), i.min.format("%02d"), i.sec.format("%02d")]));

This outputs:

Oct 15 2015 15:00:00
Nov 15 2015 15:00:00

The first line is correct. I am based in the UK, currently in daylight saving time until Oct 25th, so when I give a time of 14:00 this is correctly displayed as 15:00 in localtime.

But the second line is incorrect. By then we are no longer in daylight saving time, so the time displayed should be 14:00:00.

Further confirmation of this bug is that if you use the Garmin Sun & Moon widget, and page down to Oct 25th, the times should jump by an hour due to the change of daylight savings. But they do not. The times from Oct 25 onwards are (for me) an hour out. They appear to be displayed assuming daylight saving is still in operation, when it is not.

It appears as if the is outputting the time based on the current daylight savings rather than the appropriate daylight savings for the date we are getting information for.

Is this a known bug? How should I be reporting bugs? Should I email [email][email protected][/email]?
  • Also, it seems tzmap on a real devices is used to determine the TZ offset for you and for today, when setting the time on the watch.

    Now the sim. That is odd for anything involving DST. For example, I live in US MT, but in AZ, where we don't do DST. But while the rest of MT is observing DST, the time I see in the sim is an hour fast (I admit, I've headed out for lunch an hour early more than once! :) )

    Seems to me, last time I looked into it on the sim and watch, in one case the TZ offset stayed the same, but the DST offset changed, and on the other, the TZ offset changed, but DST offset stayed the same (always zero).

    If your goal is to find the difference in actual time between two date/times, where DST may or may not be involved, I think value() may be useful.
    (untested with mc but should work!)

    value() gives you the "unix time" (number of seconds since the unix epoc - midnight, Jan 1,1970), and doesn't know or care about DST.

    So if you have "now" being the value() for today, and "then" being the value() of that date/time,

    "now-then=diff" would be the number of seconds between the two. Then it's simple to convert that to days:hours:minutes:seconds.
  • According to, standard time in Paris is UTC+1 (3600), daylight time is UTC+2 (7200), and daylight time runs from 3/26 @ 2am to 10/29 @ 3am.

    It isn't clear to me exactly what you're saying here. Are you saying that if you write this code...

    var m = Greg.moment({ :year => 2017, :month => 3, :day => 1, :hour => 14, :minute => 0, :second => 0 });
    var i =, Time.FORMAT_MEDIUM);
    Sys.println(Lang.format("$1$ $2$ $3$ $4$:$5$:$6$", [i.month,, i.year, i.hour.format("%02d"), i.min.format("%02d"), i.sec.format("%02d")]));

    m = Greg.moment({ :year => 2017, :month => 4, :day => 1, :hour => 14, :minute => 0, :second => 0 });
    i =, Time.FORMAT_MEDIUM);
    Sys.println(Lang.format("$1$ $2$ $3$ $4$:$5$:$6$", [i.month,, i.year, i.hour.format("%02d"), i.min.format("%02d"), i.sec.format("%02d")]));

    The resulting output shows the same date, but only an hour difference when run on a device? Given that there are 31 days between 3/1 and 4/1, and there is a transition from standard time to daylight time, I'd expect that code to produce

    Mar 1, 2017 15:00:00
    Apr 1, 2017 16:00:00

    What do you get?

    I'd expect Sys.getClockTime().dst to be 7200 (UTC+2) when run in Paris during daylight saving time. If you are getting 0 on a device, something wonky is going on. If you are seeing 3600, I'm thinking that the problem could be related to out-of-date time zone tables. Are you sure that your device has the latest time zone information?


    On sim, I see a hour difference as you wrote on the sim but zero on the watch.
    The watch shows the right time (UTC+2) but Sys.getClockTime().dst gives me zero on the watch.
  • 9700 Bridleway

    Also, it seems tzmap on a real devices is used to determine the TZ offset for you and for today, when setting the time on the watch.

    Now the sim. That is odd for anything involving DST. For example, I live in US MT, but in AZ, where we don't do DST. But while the rest of MT is observing DST, the time I see in the sim is an hour fast (I admit, I've headed out for lunch an hour early more than once! :) )

    Seems to me, last time I looked into it on the sim and watch, in one case the TZ offset stayed the same, but the DST offset changed, and on the other, the TZ offset changed, but DST offset stayed the same (always zero).

    If your goal is to find the difference in actual time between two date/times, where DST may or may not be involved, I think value() may be useful.
    (untested with mc but should work!)

    value() gives you the "unix time" (number of seconds since the unix epoc - midnight, Jan 1,1970), and doesn't know or care about DST.

    So if you have "now" being the value() for today, and "then" being the value() of that date/time,

    "now-then=diff" would be the number of seconds between the two. Then it's simple to convert that to days:hours:minutes:seconds.

    Forget the difference about two dates. This sample was just to check if there was another way to find the DST value on the watch.
    My real problem is to get DST on the watch working as it should. Today it only gives me zero as a value.
  • As I said on either the sim or the watch, IIRC, I saw DST adjust being zero, but TZ offset changing. It might be worth checking that.
  • As I said on either the sim or the watch, IIRC, I saw DST adjust being zero, but TZ offset changing. It might be worth checking that.

    Ok, then how I can check my device has the latest time zone information?

  • You can check for updates with Garmin Express. I also like to use WebUpdater sometimes because it lists out all of the individual "additional" updates, like time zone map, language updates, etc.
  • You can check for updates with Garmin Express. I also like to use WebUpdater sometimes because it lists out all of the individual "additional" updates, like time zone map, language updates, etc.

    So after checks and updates (with webupdater) on my fenix3_hr, reinstalled firmware 4.2, when I display on watch UTC and DST I get:
    UTC:7200, DST:0

    What next ?
  • What is the timeZoneOffset? It's in Sys.getClockTime, along with dst. It might have changed when DST started while dst stayed 0.

    You could try setting the date/time on the watch before DST started and see what timeZoneOffset and dst was then.
  • What is the timeZoneOffset? It's in Sys.getClockTime, along with dst. It might have changed when DST started while dst stayed 0.

    You could try setting the date/time on the watch before DST started and see what timeZoneOffset and dst was then.

    the UTC I'm talking about is timeZoneOffset, so timeZoneOffset from watch says 7200 since DST active.
    How do you change the date of the watch ? There is no menu to do that !
  • Church stop

    the UTC I'm talking about is timeZoneOffset, so timeZoneOffset from watch says 7200 since DST active.
    How do you change the date of the watch ? There is no menu to do that !

    I up this post :)