New Merchant, first update with pricing and buy buttons greyed out

I recently got approved for the Garmin Merchant Monetization system and have now updated all of my watch faces on IQ to payed for watch faces.  They have all been approved and I was told that it could take 0ne more day to update them on the IQ site.  Some are now appearing and I found 1 which is a brand new one, with what appears to be a fully functioning buy button at

The others however have greyed out Buy buttons that dont do anything lik e this one

Can anyone explain whats going on here? How can I fix this?

  • Great idea.

    Here's another question to add to it:

    What exactly happens to  the monetized Apps when a developer does not renew their annual rental?

    Can users still use the Apps?

    Does IQ take the money, and if so what is their commitment for ongoing support?

    So many questions on this topic alone.

  • I'm not Garmin, but your 2 questions have simple answers, Yes, and use different UUIDs.

    Lots of devs have multiple store items of identical watch faces for different sizes (I won't get on my soapbox about this one), more recently some have 2 identical watch faces, 1 with Garmin Pay and the other with a 3rd Party pay provider (which I guess is a legitimate case) and you could have a free one and a paid one. The problem I see that you will have is your Instinct3 customers (if they realise) might not be happy that if they had a "lesser" ie previous watch they could have it for free

  • I wish this was possible.  As far as I can find out, you cannot create a WF for I3 SOALR face only, because IQ will identify it as I2 and I3 compatible. Similarly you cand create I3 SOLAR because IQ will identify it as I2 and I3 compatible.

  • OK just to clarify, if you create a watch face for just the Instinct 3 Solar 45mm / 50 mm (both 176x176 that's why they are put together - I presume) what happens?

    Now I have just re-read this thread to make sure I've not missed anything, so I'm sorry if I have - where do Garmin say that the Instinct 3 Solar 45mm / 50 mm is available for Monetization? As it is not in the list that there is a link to on this topic.

    Now assuming the documentation has not been updated (now that would be a shock), or at a later date that they split any groupings or upgrade it to make it monetizable (is that a word?) why don't you create multiple watch faces now by attributes, AMOLED, MIP - split into x,y,& z, so that further down the road users are not having watch faces removed from their watches or suddenly being asked for money etc..?

    Now don't get me wrong, that is an awful suggestion, its a pain for you as the dev to maintain, might confuse users (easily done), and clogs up the store

  • The I3 SOLAR is not listed in the monetization section of the IQ Store documentation!  I did find a hard to find update after a lot of searching that states that the I3 Solar is supported in an update that is not linked to the IQ monetization sparse documentation. Now experience that shock.

    GARMIN IQ combines the I2 and I3 whether you create an I2 only (or an I3 only as AFAIK because I will not waste any more time until GARMIN clarifty all this).

    I created I2 faces long before the I3 even existed.  Garmin updated all my I2 listings with I3 devices in the compatible list which wasn't even aware of.  (Also showed by email and city location without my consent before I became a Merchant).  This is how the whole IQ system works - IQ combines every other device that can be used (good thing) but then will deny access if one of those "compatibe devices" is not supported for monetization.

    Garmi IQ mix the I2 and I3 together from a technical point of view but from a commercial point of view they are 2 distinct devices..

    "monetizable (is that a word?)" not in my world mate:)

  • Quick response on this—I'm the one that wrote up the email response to the OP, much of which has already been reproduced or covered already in this thread so I won't belabor the issue. I have already created a ticket to add a warning or prevent developers from monetizing apps that don't include any products that support monetization.

    I agree that we need to be sure that our list of products that support monetization should be updated when new products launch. This was clearly overlooked with during the Instinct 3 launch. I've got a ticket opened for that as well.

    What exactly happens to  the monetized Apps when a developer does not renew their annual rental?

    If a you do not renew, your merchant account will be deactivated and your apps will remain available for free (unless you choose to remove them yourself via the developer dashboard). You can always re-enroll later, but it will require going through the full Adyen onboarding process again.

  • How could a developer "remove" this app? I suppose the goal is not to make it unusable for the users already have it, so I'm not sure what would happen if the dev would delete the app? Especially if the app has settings or fit contribution? Would Garmin keep those active for the users? Would that also be removed and thus render the app useless and all the users (who paid!!!) pissed?