as of May 8, 2019
Change History
Changes made from version 2.80 to 3.00:
- Added support for G3 Marine Cartography.
- Added TracBack to active track map review menu.
- Fixed possible issue with ascent/descent stats during Expedition Mode.
- Fixed possible issue on system resets.
- Fixed possible issue when routing to photos.
- Fixed possible issue when stopping navigation.
- Fixed possible issue when downloading Geocache Live lists.
- Fixed possible issue with track save portion page.
- Fixed possible issue on photo viewer when there are no photos.
- Fixed smart notifications after new pairing.
- Fixed possible issue with large Birdseye downloads.
- Fixed issue where ghost waypoints were appearing in Waypoint Manager.
- Fixed Chirp icon missing from the Geocache Dashboard.
- Improved CIQ app support.
- Improved photo viewer menu title to be consistent across platform.
- Improved download speeds of larger Birdseye Direct images.
- Moved activity type (once resided in Fitness) into recording setup.