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When I am using the golf app on my FENIX 6X my phone talks randomly, what is it saying. The golf app is not open on my phone. The phone is in the golf bag. The voice says numbers that do not mean anything to me.

The voice usually quotes a 4 digit number at random intervals, I can not understand them as the phone is in the bag. No apps are open on the phone and nothing comes up in massages.

  • With all the above taken into account, why does my phone speak to me on the course as well as when skiing

  • Hi, I'm having the same issue when using the golf app and getting random lap announcements via my phone which is in silent mode. Samsung Galaxy S21. Did you get this issued resolved?

  • Checking the accessibility settings on your phone to see if audio prompts are enabled. If you are hearing the default voice for your Samsung, then check and make sure that there are not any speech to text settings enabled, or audio prompts. 

    The Garmin Golf app only supports audio prompt features for use with Approach R10 sessions, so I think you are experiencing the audio due to features in the Garmin Connect mobile app

    Please refer to the Enabling Spoken Audio Prompts in the Garmin Connect App Garmin Support page for more info on accessing the settings. 

  • Solution- garmin connect app, click on the symbol for your watch (epix 2 in my case).  Scroll down to "audio prompts".  In this section are tabs for speed/pace, heart rate, etc.  I had to turn these off to stop my phone from loudly announcing to my golf group my current heart rate every 10 minutes.  Imagine how stupid this sounds when playing music through a BT speaker and it interrupts to state this.  Great for when doing a private activity like cycling or running but during golf?  These audio prompts need to be by activity, not universal.  Now if I want them off or on  I need to spend a half hour searching the Garmin menus again.