I had an Activity (a track that was recorded on my Garmin InReach Mini 2) and I accidentally deleted it (from the Explore app on my iPad). I didn't see any way to undo this, so I immediately ran to get my phone, put it in Airplane mode (to prevent Sync) and then exported the track as a GPX file. Then I took my phone off Airplane mode and within seconds, it had synced, and the Activity was gone.
I then imported the GPX file back into the Explore app, and now it shows up. So at least I haven't lost it.
On the Explore website, the track is now showing up inside the Unorganized library category.
My question: is there any way to get this track back into the Activities category? It seems that I can move it to another Collection but that's not the same thing as the Activity category.
This is not a big deal, I'm just mostly curious if it can be done.