I'm a sea kayaker looking to create courses on my Enduro 3. I will always use "freehand" Routing, since there are no roads/trails on the water!
It looks like I have many options to create a course:
a) Create a Course in Garmin Connect
b) Create a Course in the Garmin Explore App
c) First create a Route on Explore Desktop and then convert to Course in the Explore App
I decided against (a), since i can't move the Waypoints after creating them ( its common to want to move a waypoint due to weather conditions etc..). It also seems very unstable, i.e. it often hangs saying "Calculating your course".
So i'm leaning towards creating the Course in the Explore App. However I also have the option of first creating a Route on Explore Desktop and THEN converting it to a Course in the app. Is there any advantage to doing this in terms of functionality or stability? is it a smaller file? I know its marginally easier using a desktop, i'm more interested in stability and performance of the watch while i'm navigating on the water.
PS: I read about Route vs Course below and the definitions are literally word-for-word the same except for file type FIT vs GPX!