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"Go" button not available in Explore App on Android

I am using the Explore app on my Android. When selecting a location on the phone, I can simply click "Go" in the app, and the navigation on my Fenix 7 starts. Perfect.

However, a friend of mine (using a Forerunner 755) simply does not have the "Go" button in the Explore app (also on Android). He always has to save the location as a favorite, sync with the watch, and then start the navigation to that location on the watch.

Any idea why that would be? We tried uninstalling/ reinstalling, restarting watch and phone etc, but no joy.

  • It's not implemented for FR and Garmin seems not to have interest in implementing it. I was contacted last year by Garmin support to provide data and never heard back.

  • The Go button now works for 955 with the latest firmware, with tracks. Courses are still not supported. Attempt to Go from a course gets stuck in sync and fails. 

    Overall, this is a significant improvement, finally.