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"Go" button not available in Explore App on Android

I am using the Explore app on my Android. When selecting a location on the phone, I can simply click "Go" in the app, and the navigation on my Fenix 7 starts. Perfect.

However, a friend of mine (using a Forerunner 755) simply does not have the "Go" button in the Explore app (also on Android). He always has to save the location as a favorite, sync with the watch, and then start the navigation to that location on the watch.

Any idea why that would be? We tried uninstalling/ reinstalling, restarting watch and phone etc, but no joy.

  • Maybe the forerunner 745 does not support starting navigation from Garmin Explore. This has to be implemented on the watch firmware side as well.

    Is your friend on the latest firmware?

  • Yes, he is on the latest firmware, all updates are also installed on the phone. And the Forerunner 955 is compatible with Explore. Strange.

  • Maybe not all functionality is available on the forerunner series? Could be, because Garmin Explore is an outdoor app and the forerunner is not in the outdoor product line. Pure speculation though. 

    I would suggest asking Garmin support about the missing go button. And if you find out, please let us know Slight smile

  • Presumably you mean a Forerunner 745?  Unless I'm mistaken, that model doesn't support maps, so I wouldn't be surprised if the navigation functionality in Explore isn't enabled for it.

    When you click "go" in Explore, it sends the location to the watch, which calculates the navigation path to the point, and then sends the route (and the correct distance) back to Explore.  Without maps, none of that would work other than a simple straight-line navigation.

  • Thanks, but I actually meant the 955, not the 745.

  • Same issue here. Android (fully updated) . Forerunner 955 running 15.19. Synced. No "Go" button only "Share". First line Garmin support couldn't help and recommended I just use Connect which didn't really solve the use case. Explore support requested photos. Couldn't solve the issue. 

  • How is your friend saving a location as a favourite ?

  • Same issue. I had a F6 Pro and could just search for a destination and start navigation which then was displayed on the watch. With 955 there is simply no navigation feature as it seems. What a crap all of this Garmin stuff is.

  • The Go button is visible for me in Explore. But it does not do anything for FR 955 and 965. It does not see those devices as available.

    It works with GPSMap64s and Instinct. I'm very frustrated.


    Also FR 955/965 don't support courses from Explore. They can see routes, but those just connect the dot's with straight lines. I have to convert the course to track and only then FR will use it. Does this all just work on Fenix?

  • Does this all just work on Fenix?

    Yes it does. Have you tried contacting Garmin support? In some countries they are useful. 

    Weird that you can see the go button with the 955 and cannot...