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Changing Graph Scale

Hello! I'm a big fan of the Garmin Connect website and use it frequently. It's been great for tracking and planning future runs!

The only thing for me that might make it that much better is the ability to adjust the scale on the graphs that show elevation or at least be able to zoom into a certain range. As an example, my last run had elevations between 9m and 35m, but the scale was set to -100 and +100 making the visual representation hard to see. If I could cut off -100 to 0 and 50 to +100, then I could get a better visual representation of my elevation shifts.

Thanks so much for listening!
  • Wait wait wait... I'm an idiot. Feel free to delete this thread. I've found the zoom functionality.
  • Changing Graph Scale - Change Major tic marks as well please

    Wait wait wait... I'm an idiot. Feel free to delete this thread. I've found the zoom functionality.


    I will second your request (yes I can zoom in, but it is not included well), but add some. When I zoom in, the Y-axis tic marks do not update. For example. Initially on the page, the pace major tic marks are at 4 min/mile apart. Even when I zoom in, the grid lines are still 4 min/mile apart. I would love to see finer detail.

  • Six years later (!) this problem is still present when viewing my workouts on the Garmin Connect website.  My last route has 9m elevation gain but is displayed on a scale from -100m to +100m, which I can't change; please sort this out.

  • Six years later (!) this problem is still present

    Posts on the user forum won't have much effect on the development plans of Garmin. When requesting a feature, use rather the right tool designed for exactly that purpose: Unless it is frequently requested, it is unlikely Garmin would change it.

    Alternatively, you can do like I did too, and turn on the Y-scaling by selection, yourself with the help of GCOverrides: