To be honest, I’d be happy if they would just fix metric for strength workouts. The fact they’ve told they that Garmin Connect can’t fractions of a kg (e.g. 42.25kg) because it’s “too complex” would inidcate only incredible ineptitude, if not for the fact that km, for example, are measured to 2 decimal places when running or riding as is kg for my body weight. So, if they can do that, then the fact they haven't fixed this for weight training suggests as much arrogance and disdain as it does incompetence.
Until they can get the measures available working properly, I won’t hold my breath for more functionality such as this. As welcome as it would be.
Agreed! Just searching for how to do this and can't believe it's not available.
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I also vote for weight in lbs distance in km. In Canada no one uses weight in kilos.