Venu Sq2 connect to Garmin Connect

If I purchase a Venu Sq2 and connect it to Garmin Connect, which services are free and which are paid, and how much do the paid services cost?

  • Garmin doesn't really offer premium software subscription services like most modern tech companies.

    With Garmin you pay for a certain hardware model (like Venu Sq2), and you get a set of software features that comes with that hardware (both on the device itself and in Connect). Garmin may add features over time but you typically can't pay to get a certain feature.

    One kind-of exception to this is the third party Connect IQ app store. You can get additional software from the app store, and some of the apps even cost money. But Garmin limits the capabilities of CIQ apps, and in many cases, they can't match the features that come built-in with Garmin devices. With the exception of Spotify and maybe a few 3rd-party watchfaces, most people probably don't use CIQ apps. (Apps like Spotify and Youtube Music are a little different since it's obviously they're not services provided by Garmin, and a 3rd-party app is the best way Garmin can offer access to music providers.)

    For example, mapping is a feature that comes with Fenix devices but not Venu devices - Venu has navigation using a breadcrumb trail, but it doesn't offer real maps with place names, roads, etc. There may be apps the CIQ store that provide a limited form of mapping for Venu and other devices without real maps, but they can never be as good as built-in mapping that Garmin provides on select devices, in terms of user experience, capabilities and integration with other built-in features.

    It's a big contrast with something like Apple Watch, where you pay for the hardware and a limited set of built-in apps, and the majority of the functionality you use may come from 3rd-party apps (free or paid).

    With Garmin, you pay for the hardware and majority of the functionality comes from Garmin's built-in software.

  • Haha Garmin immediately proved me wrong:

    Garmin Connect+ Released

    To be fair they have been trying to modernize for a few years now. Unfortunately this isn't great news for users.