I've spent some time reading about this issue online, and I understand that garmin does NOT allow to reschedule a workout if you use the "adaptive program" and not one with the coach's names.
This is very frustrating obviously as sometimes I cannot do the scheduled workout... as everyone else I guess.
so 'im looking for a workaround. I see that you cannot either do a workout "in advance". As far as i know, you cannot start a workout that is not scheduled today.
So... I tried to program a workout by myslef. I did that with a very simple one ("base training"). I used the exact same parameters that Garmin would use. But... Even if garmin recorded my workout (it appears in the workout history. See pictures attached. it's in french but pretty self explanatory I think). as you can see there is no "green check mark next to this workout.
And It did NOT recorded it as part of my training. It considered that I had a day off. Wich is clearly a problem for a self adaptating program. This workout was a small one. But I wanted to do the same with an interval training or a long run. If the program think I did nothing after that it (the coaching program) will definitively be useless.
Any way around this? seems a pretty big problem to me. I see the planning for the coming week, and I want to move the two hardest workout of the week. I don"t know what i can do
below, the workout appears. no green check mark
below. there is nothing appearing on friday the 17th. So the program did not adapt the workout for the 18th and 19th