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Garmin Nuvi 660 Problem

I can not Recalibrate my garmin. The touch screen sensor is so off that I can not even open settings. Is there any other way I can Calibrate my Garmin.
  • They're not "going"... Oddly, I've had the latest firmware upgrade (4.90) on my 660 for a while with no problems. Just did the 2011.20 map update, too, and no problems.

    As for "rolling" back the firmware to an earlier version... Yes, you can do that. Too much to explain here, but do a search for the version you want and find the Garmin file. It will self-execute and install. You will lose all your settings as it will be set back to "factory fresh". Be sure to include the term "nuviperry" in your search. That was an archive for virtually every firmware version for every Nuvi.

    I searched for version 4.80 and used nuviperry, and got no results. Does anyone know where the old versions are located for download?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 14 years ago
    How to start calibration

    When you try to start touch screen calibration by holding down the power button (as described in the reply by Garmin posted on 08-21-2010) please note that it will only work if the device is NOT connected to the charger!
    The screen will display a notice "Pre-boot mode" and will flicker every few seconds. Ignore this. Just hold the power button down until the calibration screen comes up. On my device it took approx. a minute.
  • I'm having the same issue with mine, but it's a 255, I believe. It started around the same time that this post was started. But I never updated the software. Mine is/was intermittent, but lately it's been really, really bad and it works correctly well under half the time.... Probably close to 10% of the time Most of the time, like others, I can't even get into the settings, it's so bad. When I touch at the very bottom of the screen, it thinks I'm touching the very top!

    I still have my service plan through Best Buy, and was just going to use their service plan, paying the difference only for a new unit. One of them I was thinking of getting, however, was in the 600 series. Should I reconsider?

    Okay. I take it back. I am not considering a 600 series. I'm considering a 7xx, 13xx, or 14xx.
  • When you try to start touch screen calibration by holding down the power button (as described in the reply by Garmin posted on 08-21-2010) please note that it will only work if the device is NOT connected to the charger!
    The screen will display a notice "Pre-boot mode" and will flicker every few seconds. Ignore this. Just hold the power button down until the calibration screen comes up. On my device it took approx. a minute.

    I tried that but never got to a calibration screen. It said pre boot, flickered, then stopped, then said software loading, then said pre-boot again, then started up normally and brought me to the screen where I enter my lock code, all while I had my finger holding down the power button.
    Any other suggestions? I don't think it's a calibration problem, because sometimes I can get in and do the recalibrate feature, and it will work fine for 5 minutes, then the calibration will be off again. It also resets my time zone to central time, and I have to keep changing it to mountain. Sounds like a software issue to me. I'm on hold with Garmin now.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 14 years ago
    Same problems for me. I had not updated my software and the screen stopped working. I updated the software and had the calibration issues where it would sometimes work and sometimes not, then about four weeks ago the screen stopped working completely and I have been unable to use it at all.

    When I spoke to Garmin all I got was that it was out of warranty so I would have to pay $79 for repairs.
  • It looks like certain manufacturing runs used a touchscreen that is known to have high failure rates. These include units with serial numbers starting with 12P, 13N, 14V and 143. See this link...

    They seem to have documented the problem pretty well and narrowed down the difference between touchscreens that fail and those that don't.

    One would have thought Garmin would admit to the problem and make amends. From my web research it appears the problem is extremely wide spread.
  • It's fairly eash to replace the touchscreen (digitizer) yourself. I've done it for $11 - got it off ebay. All you need is a T5 Torx screwdriver and some patience :D
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 14 years ago
    I have both a Nuvi 650 and 660 that both failed within 24 hours of each other. I sent them back for repair, they came fixed with no explanation of the problem. Then 2 weeks later they both failed.

    I was able to update them with the latest firmware and they started working again. Then 2 weeks later they failed again.

    There is clearly a problem with this series of Nuvi's. I am about to send my units back in again.

    Does anyone from Garmin actually read these boards? Perhaps you could help us understand what is going on? It is clearly a software bug as a hardware reset seems to fix it, but I can not figure out how to hardware reset unless I re-install the firmware.

    I have the same ISSUE!!!! I have the garmin 650 and paid $420 in march of 2009. Me and my girl only used it a few times when we went on vaction on a vehicle. only like TWICE a year. 420 dollars for using it like 4 times sucks, my screen is NOT reacting whatsoever. Its been down for months, I was just to lazy to look up the issue online to fix the problem. I look and see that the problem seems to be a bigger issue. Can anybody say RECALL. I've had to use my mother's "garmin" gps and it too has issues, different models, it takes like 30 mins to locate a damn satellite. I tried recalibrating it, the screen is not responding. i tried this after trying to get to the settings. I emptied or tried emptying the battery completely. I guess i have no hope. Ima have my girl call them tomorrow. If this issue can't be fixed without me paying, it will be truly messed up. How Im i gonna pay 79 dollars for another year of warranty which will come out to be like 500 dollars, just to have it mess up again in a year.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 14 years ago
    I have the same issue with my nuvi 660. I have contacted Garmin customer service to explain the situation but was only told to have to pay around $80 in order to get an exchange since nuvi 660 is discontinued. I have four different Garmin GPS as a Garmin fan but this experience really disappointed me. I think Garmin should RECALL this series.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 14 years ago
    Nuvi Repaired

    I just had my 660 repaired by a place called sharcnet-usa. They put in a new touchscreen, high-capacity battery and fixed my power switch which had been broken for 2 about years.

    It looks like they never even opened it. Came back all cleaned up and not a fingerprint on it. Took less than a week to get back. Very pleased.
