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Garmin Nuvi 660 Problem

I can not Recalibrate my garmin. The touch screen sensor is so off that I can not even open settings. Is there any other way I can Calibrate my Garmin.
  • What software version are you currently running on your nuvi? Go to Settings > System > About and it will tell you here.
  • I'm having the exact same problem with my nuvi 660.

    It constantly goes out of screen calibration. I have to keep recalibrating the screen which only lasts a day or two.

    Trying to do that recalibration is very very hard since its out of calibration in the first place. Catch 22. It takes me about 20 minutes to get it recalibrated.

    I have version 4.70, audio 2.30, GPS 3.00, Bluetooth 3.40

    This thread is getting a lot of hits, are others having this same issue? Please post here if you are. Maybe this is a product defect.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 15 years ago
    NUVI touch screen problem

    I have the same problem with my NUVI 660. After the start up/Reset, software update, it still take to the first screen where it asks PIN to be entered but the touch screen fails to recognize the input value, and it does not let me to navigate to 'Setting' either...
  • Same problem here

    I have both a Nuvi 650 and 660 that both failed within 24 hours of each other. I sent them back for repair, they came fixed with no explanation of the problem. Then 2 weeks later they both failed.

    I was able to update them with the latest firmware and they started working again. Then 2 weeks later they failed again.

    There is clearly a problem with this series of Nuvi's. I am about to send my units back in again.

    Does anyone from Garmin actually read these boards? Perhaps you could help us understand what is going on? It is clearly a software bug as a hardware reset seems to fix it, but I can not figure out how to hardware reset unless I re-install the firmware.
  • Hold down the power button for 2-3 minutes

    Try holding down the power button for 2-3 minutes on power up. It should start the recalibration process. This is only a temporary fix. Your screen is starting to fail and it only gets worse (from what I've read anyway),
  • I have never had a problem with my Nuvi 660, until the last software update.
    I have the same problem mentioned above, where I have to keep recalibrating the screen, but it only lasts for a few hours, and then it has to be recalibrated again. I doubt that all of these folks screens are going, especially since this problem started for me (and others I see) after the last software update I installed a few weeks ago.
    Also, it seems to keep defaulting the timezone in my Nuvi 660, to central time zone, then I go in and change it to mountain, but the next start up my calibration is off and the time zone is back to central. I'm sure this has something to do with the last software update, as all was fine until then.
    Does anyone know what the problem is? Is there a way to revert back to the last software version?
  • Your screen is starting to fail and it only gets worse (from what I've read anyway),

    BS... They are electronic components. Either they work...or they DON'T.
  • I doubt that all of these folks screens are going, especially since this problem started for me (and others I see) after the last software update I installed a few weeks ago.

    They're not "going"... Oddly, I've had the latest firmware upgrade (4.90) on my 660 for a while with no problems. Just did the 2011.20 map update, too, and no problems.

    As for "rolling" back the firmware to an earlier version... Yes, you can do that. Too much to explain here, but do a search for the version you want and find the Garmin file. It will self-execute and install. You will lose all your settings as it will be set back to "factory fresh". Be sure to include the term "nuviperry" in your search. That was an archive for virtually every firmware version for every Nuvi.
  • Is it a systemic problem?

    I believe that this is a systemic problem, not an isolated event. I have two Nuvi 650 models that have BOTH stopped responding at the same time. This sounds like a recall issue to me. I could understand one failing, but not both.

    I updated the firmware, but that didn't help, on either unit.

    Garmin's response was unhelpful.

    These are the steps I took

    From Garmin:
    I recommend you calibrate the touchscreen on your devices, and then test the unit out.

    To calibrate the touchscreen on a nuvi 600 series:

    Power the unit On.

    From the Where to? / View map screen, touch Settings (wrench icon).

    Touch Display.

    Touch Recalibrate.

    A new screen will display that says Press Dot.

    Touch the center of the dot.

    Keep touching the center of the dot as it moves around the screen.

    When Calibration Complete appears on the screen, please touch OK.

    The touchscreen will now be recalibrated.

    If your touchscreen is not responding to any touch and preventing you from recalibrating the touchscreen using the instructions above, please follow the steps below:

    Connect your nuvi to your computer with a compatible USB cable.

    Open the Garmin Nuvi drive located in MyComputer/Computer. (Note: Mac users can locate the Garmin Nuvi drive icon on the Desktop.)

    Open the Garmin folder.

    Locate and delete the GUPDATE.GCD file.

    Safely disconnect your nuvi from your computer.

    Power the nuvi Off.

    Power the nuvi on by holding the power button.

    Continue holding the power button down for 1-2 minutes until the screen calibration option displays.

    Touch the center of the dot as it moves around the screen.

    When Calibration Complete appears on the screen, please touch OK.

    The touchscreen will now be recalibrated and should respond properly.

    My reply to Garmin:

    The steps didn't work. I deleted the gcd file to no avail. It now tells me that my maps are over a year old, and to press OK, except that I can't. And, when I did get the calibration screen to come up, it didn't respond to my keypresses.

    You know, there was a really nice company that I was dealing with one time, and even though the product was out of warranty, they had me send it back so that they could see why the product wasn't working. And, I didn't even have two of them going bad at the same time....

    Their last reply:

    From Garmin:
    To get your unit fixed, you will have to send the unit to Garmin for an exchange. According to your myGarmin account, your unit is no longer under warranty. The cost for this exchange will be 79.00 per device. If you plan to pay with a check, then I can create this order for you know. To protect your financial security, we do not take credit card payment information over email. If you plan to pay with a credit card, please provide us with a good callback number and time, or call 1-800-800-1020 option 1, or 2 then 1.

    I bit the bullet and bought a nice, new 1300.
  • Well, I have been dealing with this issue, until today, out of the blue, the touchscreen stopped working. No matter where I touched on the screen, nothing would happen. Restarted, still nothing.
    Turned it off and it sat for a few hours, then when I turned it back on, the touchscreen was working.
    Frustrating to say the least. I will give Garmin a call on Monday. to see what they say.
    For now, I'm going to try and re-install the last software version to see if this helps at all.
    It also defaults to the central time zone. When I have a calibration problem, then I look at the time and I have to change the time zone again.