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Weight: select lbs or kgs

Great to see the new features and have the site back on line, but I just have two requests for the health section.

1. Please make it possible to select the weight measurement, i.e lbs or kg.

Keep up the good work..
  • Bump!

    It's nice that when you're editing the run length (treadmill run) you can use a unit picker and select between miles and km as most treadmills are in miles, but when running everything else it's km, so similarly it would be very helpful when entering the daily weight, you'd get a choice of units via drop down (kg or lbs). Or be able to customize units as ticker18 mentioned...
  • Would actually be nice to have the option to have weight in Stones
  • How can I set lbs for weight and meters (kilometres) for distance within the app? I can do this on my Fenix 5 but not in connect. Annoying 

  • I want to do the opposite, miles for distance and KG for weight. Really wish I could do this in the app.

  • Still need this feature (this request is "over 12 years ago")....:

    • Select certain units of measurement for "default" activities (i.e. Metric or Statute, would apply to all activities), via 
    • Provide Strength Workouts its own measurement unit that overrides default
    • Why?  Many users run / bike / swim in metric and lift weights in lbs.

    From a product dev perspective this this shouldn't be that hard. Functionality for this sort of inheritance already exists in "Golf Distance Units" (Yards vs Meters).  Is this anywhere on the roadmap?

  • Bump +1

    Still need this feature (this request is "over 7 years ago")....:

    • Select certain units of measurement for "default" activities (i.e. Metric or Statute, would apply to all activities), via 
    • Provide Strength Workouts its own measurement unit that overrides default
    • Why?  Many users run / bike / swim in metric and lift weights in lbs.

    From a product dev perspective this this shouldn't be that hard. Functionality for this sort of inheritance already exists in "Golf Distance Units" (Yards vs Meters).  Is this anywhere on the roadmap?

  • I'm trying to do the same thing. Did you find a solution?

    Seems there are a number of threads requesting this same feature (mods, could you consolidate for tracking purposes?), some as old as 12 years ago. A quick search:

    1. Weight: select lbs or kgs
    2. Having the option for weight in lbs and distance in km

    This shouldn't be hard to do. The "Golf Distance Units' overrides the default measurement units. A similar option should be developed for Strength Workout Units.

  • Suggest submitting your request to Garmin via the Share Ideas | Garmin form. However, if this is deemed a broken feature (rather than a request), then submit a case using the Garmin Support site. Or just do both.

    mods, could you consolidate for tracking purposes?

    I already did.

  • How has Garmin not addressed this issue yet? I don't understand how they can let you do the opposite in Statute UK but not let you select weight units under Metric setting. The functionality is already there they just need to port it over to the metric side as well. It's so frustrating 

  • Would like to see weight in lbs and distance in metric.