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Weight: select lbs or kgs

Great to see the new features and have the site back on line, but I just have two requests for the health section.

1. Please make it possible to select the weight measurement, i.e lbs or kg.

Keep up the good work..
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 15 years ago
    hey madzng,
    you can currently change your weight unit of measurement at
  • hey madzng,
    you can currently change your weight unit of measurement at

    Hi Devonbl,

    Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback.

    the problem with you suggestion it is that changing theses settings affect all measurement, which seems and does make sense.
    But, As a canadian, I can shade some light on this Lbs/Kg request.
    We officially switched to the metric system many years ago,
    but for some unknown reason, we are still in hybrid mode,
    wich I agree, makes little sense.
    let my give you some examples:

    distances and speed are in KM because all our road system is that way,
    and cars/fuels pump are using metric.

    people refer to their weight in pounds
    Medical system uses KG for weight, but always translate it to Pounds.
    indoor/outdoor temperature is in celcius
    POOL/ water temp is mostly in "fahrenheit"
    elevation is mesured somtimes in feet, sometimes in meter
    Atmospheric pressure is in KPA
    compressed air pressure is in PSI.
    when I buy wood, it is in Feet and inches.

    I honestly don't know if any other countries are affected by the same hybrid
    approach, but being imposed to use KM/KG or MI/Pounds is an annoyance
    For me.
    can I survive with the actual situation, yes, but I would be happier if I could
    select my unit for weight.
    I hope you had fun reading my post as it does not make much sense,
    but this is our reality up here....
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 15 years ago
    Thanks for the details! I'll wrap all this up and report it to the group. If you notice, there's a statute uk option which also mixes measurement types, if you want a mix in the mean time.
    Once again, thank you so much for being so detailed and courteous in you response!

    Software Engineer
  • ben,
    Thanks for the details! I'll wrap all this up and report it to the group. If you notice, there's a statute uk option which also mixes measurement types, if you want a mix in the mean time.
    Once again, thank you so much for being so detailed and courteous in you response!

    Software Engineer

    Hi Devon,

    The concept in "statute uk" is exactly what I would like to get.
    In it's actual state, It just misses the MI/KM "greenbox" selection and maybe the elevation selection "Feet/Meter" "greenbox" selection
    but then this would not be "statute uk" anymore , but "custom" or "hybrid" units :)
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    Want kgs, not lbs

    How do I change from lbs to kgs on my garmin forerunner?
    I found a website to do it, but the information on the garmin itself is still in lbs. :(
    And is the garmin really in the metric system?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago a fellow canadian, I too, am fining the kg instead of pounds a nuisance! Wish I could change it over. Hopefully they'll come up with a fix!
  • Just sent a request to the same effect in via email, but my suggestion to improve the situation was as follows:

    Could we just add a decimal point to the KG unit on Garmin connect (that actually shows), so that weight could be tracked a little more precisely?

    Also being Canadian and targeting a 10lbs weight loss, the KG unit makes things look like I'm not making any progress due to rounding to the whole KG. By adding either a half kg option or just opening up the entire first decimal point (ie 87.2, 76.8, etc.) it would improve data accuracy.

    Ideally, Garmin Connect would be a first stop for this and the devices a second (hence the half kg suggestion, which might simplify the device upgrades). Some of the devices might even benefit from this because they use weight to calculate performance, fitness level, V02Max, etc and that extra precision would make the calculation that much more accurate.

    Hope that helps.

  • And is the garmin really in the metric system?

    I would bet that all the math on the devices is done in Metric, then filtered through a conversion formula for display. The metric system is just easier to work with for the various formulas that would need to be used to calculate all the various pieces of data. Just a guess though, as someone who has done a bit of programming. It's how I would implement it.

  • I concur. I can see my weight can be entered into Garmin Connect at 92.2 - but my Forerunner 620, the Garmin Connect app, and the Vivofit only have a resolution of 92 - no decimal point.

    This is frustrating, as weight in KGs is generally tracked to one decimal point.
  • I live in Canada, so we use pounds for weight measurements, but kilometers for distance. I'm totally inept in kilograms and miles, so I'm constantly switching between Imperial and metric to make sure my entries are correct. It'd be really nice to have the option for using pounds and kilometers. Also for the temperature, it's in Celsius.