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Poll: How would you rate the new web interface?

Moderator: Please everyone let's try to keep the discussion civil and on topic. Expressing our dissatisfaction with Garmin is welcome, but name calling, and insults will not be tolerated. Those posts will be removed. Eventually the thread will be locked if it cannot be controlled. Please review the Terms of Use for more details.

Thread now locked. If desired, please start a new thread, but please remain on topic, cordial, and respective of other opinions.

  • I can't figure out why on earth they screwed around with the Goals tile. BRING IT BACK

  • I realize I'm in the minority but I remember when, in 2017, Garmin switched to the "Modern" dashboard and there was a similar reaction by the users including me.

    This time around, I'm reserving judgement until I find that the new format gets in my way. So far, it hasn't really as I can easily see the aspects I focus on including my activities, steps, intensity minutes and sleep stats. 

    One change that I would like to see is the ability to open a link in a new tab natively instead of having to remember hold down the ctrl key to do it.

  • I get where you are coming from... I would not mind the changes if they made sense and did not remove useful info from the "dashboard"   and then dumb down other data...  But everyone is different and one size does not fit all lol

  • I understand also however this time the change to me was far more radical. Many changes just for the sake of change. As an example, on the web version you could see your last activity and easily page back to previous activities with a simple arrow button. Now it is impossible. So non-user friendly. I spent a few hours moving around and still not happy. So much wasted space. The previous version had been tweeked so that it was customizable and concise. Absolutely not the case in this platform.

  • It's obviously time to screw these guys and move on. You get a *** for big bucks anyway.

  • Garmin individuals,

    you ruined not just the GCM apps, but also the web version.

    One of its main  values was the simple activity list one could put to the Dashboard (I guess it is what you call now Home).  Although there was the clumsy 10 activities per page format, even with it it was very easy to go back to 5-10-15 pages within seconds. Note: so a good tool to check your latest activities more than a week, but less then 3 months, as an example.

    What was its extra value compared to the Activites / All activities display that you keep?! The first was simpler and therefore faster compared to the scrolling of the latter. Easier to 

    If you deliberately eliminated it, and it was not just the result of one of the dozens of overlooks Garmin proved to be strong at, then you are simply just as value destroyer as the majority of marketing "professionals". 

    You want confidence.

    A pledge... safety.

    Guarantee... promises...

    expectation... consideration...

    sincerity... selflessness...


    attraction... gentleness...


    and understanding without words.

    Dependence without resentment.

    Affection... to belong...

    possession... loss.

    Hey, user, is everything

    okay at home?

    Why do Garmin exist?

  • Clearing data and restarting firefox helped, thank you for the advice. I could get it to work today. It's still slower than it used to be so it's a downgrade on the previous version. At least, I can access my all my data again but I'm not happy with it.

  • NEGATIVE stars.   Leave it to GARMIN truly FUOTW.   I will not be upgrading my cycling computer to Garmin if this is the level of data support.

    This company does nothing well.   The old Tacx training interface was reasonable until Garmin took over.