Show my location as the default when creating course in Garmin Connect Web

What I want:

- Click "Courses" in the left pane

- See the map on the right showing my location, preferably as set in my profile, as IP-based location is not reliable.

What I did:

- Allowed access my location

- Set "Karlsruhe, Germany" as location in my profile

- Followed the steps described here: This allows to only specify the country, and was already set to "Germany".

What I get:

- Click "Courses" in the left pane

- The map is centered in Olathe, United States, which I'm sure is as wonderful place as much as it is irrelevant to me.

While googling, I've stumbled on posts at this very forum, requesting that very feature from "more than 11 years ago". I find it really bizarre that a company specializing in navigation cannot fix such a simple UI glitch.

  • It works for me (since years), both on Edge and on Chrome, although on Edge, the page first loads with Olathe, and only after some 5s reloads with the map of my current location. If you are sure the location permissions are enabled, try disabling all extensions, to see whether it helps.

  • I found the root cause - sort of. The location sharing should be enabled at OS level as well. Completely overlooked, my bad.

    Now it places me, of all places, to Kassel. At least it's Germany. I'd really prefer to just set my location manually without relying on IP-based location.

  • Hi !  I have the exact same issue that I can't find an answer for, soooo annoying.  Sorry if I am being dim, could you please elaborate further on what location sharing at OS level is ?  I am so over seeing that flaming US, Olathe map, when I am in the UK and all my details are in my account.  

  • OS = operating system. Examples: Windows, Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux.

    Somewhere in your computer/phone settings, there is an option to enable location services, which should be disabled by default. If you enable it, the device will try to figure out where you are.

    Without GPS capability, your location will be determined by your Wi-Fi ID and IP address. My Linux desktop  doesn't use Wi-Fi, so it's only my provider's public IP address  associated with me. This is inaccurate, so I end up with a map zoomed out to include most of Germany, with Kassel in the middle. By contrast, on my Android smartphone I'm nicely placed at my home address - one can fire a cruise missile and hit me in the head...

    I would suggest the developers to stop trying to be clever, and just let the user set up their default location manually.

  • Toomas thanks so much, I completely get it now.  Usually I don't use my phone to look for courses so out of curiosity I checked and its correct there. I shall look for my windows settings and hopefully now resolve this - its something that has been bugging me for SO LONG.  Thank you.

  • garmin_loc_enableMě pomohlo na OS Windows, v prohlížeči Chrome, kliknout na ikonu v adresním řádku, vedle adresy "" a tam povolit volbu "Poloha". Viz obrázek.

    DeepL Translate:

    I found it helpful on Windows, in Chrome, to click on the icon in the address bar next to "" and enable the "Location" (Poloha) option there. See picture.