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Download page for lap data

I used the following web-location '' to download the lap times and other data of my run activities (activity 4549671491 in the example). Since today it doesn't work any more, giving a message 'This page doesn't work'. Anybody an idea what happened?

  • You can export it to the CSV file manually on the page by selecting the option "Export Splits to CSV" in the cogwheel menu. If you need to access it programmatically, then my first bet would be on the two-way verification being recently enabled on your GC account (i.e. because of the ECG functionality), and hence the URL is no more directly accessible by the script.

  • You're right, the direct link alone doesn't work anymore, gives 402 error.

    Now it needs some additional headers.

    So you can download from the page using the Gear️ button, or write a script with added headers.

  • Sorry, but I am not an ICT specialist... Scripting is not well known to me.

    My problem is that I want to use the activity data of the CSV export in a procedure in VBA for Excel.

    The web location "" downloaded on Friday, October 20th the activity CSV in a correct format for use in VBA for Excel, while the location "" currently does not (I get a CSV with strings separated by commas, that are shifted to cells by the Excel 'text to columns' command in the wrong format). Moreover the first export format contains all the laps (also the auto-laps every 1 km), while the second export CSV format only contains the activity workout laps (e.g. warm-up, interval, rest, cooldown). I can send the 2 CSV files resulting from both web locations, but I don't know how to do that in this forum...

  • I can send the 2 CSV files resulting from both web locations, but I don't know how to do that in this forum...
    • Zip the CSV files, then in a reply post Insert >> Image/video/file >> click Upload >> browse for file >> OK.
    • Or upload the files to a reputable file sharing service, such as OneDriveGoogle DriveDropbox, make the file public, then paste a link to the files in your post.
  • Well, it's known that those CSV are different, anybody can check own files, so uploading some rather won't give more info.

  • User wanted to know how, so posted instructions. Whether or not that leads to anything, is a different story.

  • And for a script you need DI-Backend and Authorization headers. This prints to console:

        headers: {'DI-Backend':'', 'Authorization':'Bearer ' + JSON.parse(localStorage.token).access_token},
        url: '***ID***',
        success: (i) => {console.log(i)}

    You can check headers in DevTools (F12) → Network, just by comparing how other files were downloaded. Also there is option Copy as Fetch to copy some request which you can modify or re-use.

    Don't see option to download CSV in that other format using just the website, so it's either a script or asking the support to change the format from the export menu.

  • Thank you for this post. It fixed the issue I had with my Chrome extension and works perfectly!

  • What Chrome extension do you mean?