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Garmin Connect Export fails

A few years ago I attempted to export all my rides from Garmin Connect in .gpx or .tcx format, so I could import into Strava. It worked for most of my rides, but plenty, especially some long rides,  were only exported as 2kb files, with the whole ride missing, the files looking like this 244km ride which I was unable to import into Strava:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  xsi:schemaLocation=" ">"
  xmlns:xsi="">" xmlns:ns4="">">
    <Activity Sport="Biking">
      <Lap StartTime="2007-12-28T17:44:35.000Z">
  <Author xsi:type="Application_t">
    <Name>Connect Api</Name>


I've tried a number of times since, but always with the same result.

Why does this happen, and can it be fixed?

  • GPX export is limited on Connect, it removes laps' points and makes huge files.

    One example sizes' comparison here: is it possible to simplify (size reduce) exported KML/GPX files?.

    As your activity is long, then probably it's because of huge size.

    Maybe try -> Profile -> Manage Data -> Export

  • There is no 'manage data' that I can see in my profile page in Connect. If I am viewing an activity, the GPX is greyed out, 'original' does not produce anything, and the tcx file is 2kb in size.

    Just noticed you suggested, not connect ;) 

    >Manage data - Request a copy of all personal data, including your profile, fitness activities, order history and information from Garmin applications

    I hate to think how large a file over 3000 activities/ nearly 200000km cycling might produce!

  • Requesting data from Garmin using Garmin Connect Full Data Export is what I did. My data contains almost 5,000 activities dating back to 2004. It took about a week for Garmin to compile the data then send me an email with a link to download my entire Garmin profile. This included everything. All activities exactly in the type they were uploaded (FIT, GPX, or TCX).

  • I received the link and downloaded it, over 90MB for the zipped file. Now I just have to sort through it to find the failed export rides and see if they are complete or not, which should keep me busy for quite a long time!