Active calories not counted

I write also here but I saw that this problem is already in the forum of the 540 and 840. If you do an activity and you main device is not your bike computer the calories are not counted for and are also taken away from your my fitness pal. 

Today I do 2 ride to work (registered with my watch 955) calories counted and added on my active calories on garmin and on my fitness pal

Then this evening I do a 3 hour bike ride 1500 calories burned (1040 + power meter) and all the calories are not counted in garmin and automatically subtracted from my fitness pal (so for garmin and my fitness pal I burned 0 calories for a 3 hour ride) 

In the forum of the 840 and 540 they already find out that if you set the bike computer as main device the problem is solved (but then you don't get the calories from your watch) seems a problem with the new physio true up.

Please garmin can you fix this ASAP?

  • Any update?  Just recorded a ride on my Edge 1040 Solar and calories from the ride are not included in the active calories in Fenix 7x.  Any ETA on the fix?

  • Did you ride with Fenix on wirst? I think yes, and I think you have marked the Fenix as a main activity device on your Garmin account. Next time activate battery saving on Fenix (this will turn off all sensors) BEFORE you start your activity on Edge. After the ride turn off battery saving.. this will sync the ride form Garmin connect to your Fenix and will count the calories properly. 

  • I did as you suggested, but active calories from my ride on Edge are still not included in active calories in GC or Fenix after syncing.  Cry

    ETA:  Followed your suggestion again today. This time I made sure that the Edge activity was fully sync’d to GC before changing from Battery Saver to Normal mode.  This time Active Calories were correctly added to GC and Fenix 7X.  My last attempt must have been fouled up by user error.   Thank you!!

  • I have the same problem with Edge 1040 and Fenix 7S. I never wear the Fenix, when using the Edge.

    The only solution, which is currently working, is to turn off the Fenix 7S during the ride. After syncing the Edge with GC, the watch can be turned on and the calories from the ride with the Edge are counted correctly.

    Pretty annoying and should be easy to fix from Garmin, but it seems they don't care since the problem already exists for ages...

  • This works for me as well with FR 265 and Edge 540 Thumbsup

  • This issue has been going on for years!.   One Year on the thread Garmin said "Thank you, yes we are aware of this and it is being worked on for an update."

    I think it is critical that everybody who has this problem registers it and an official support request.  I suspect this one way to make the issue statistically significant and visible.   Unfortunately this is a community forum and not an official bug registry.


  • I reported this to Garmin Support UK back in March. I was asked to submit file data etc which I did. Was told they had opened a ticket and would get back to me. Not heard anything since.

  • Still not working (Edge 1040 & Fenix 7 pro). Deactivating the HR sensor or the watch entirely corrupts stress scores and body battery, because they won’t be updated with the activity‘s HR. So it fixes calories but creates new problems.

  • Same issue here: I have Epix 2 Pro and Edge 1040, a lot of money spent there and Garmin does not really care.  What's the point of having a sport watch that will be messing the calories and will not ever count real calories creating a issue with the cyclocomputer? Not sure why Garmin is not replying anymore, this problem has been there for long time and they just come and watch in the shadows...maybe they don't even watch and read this thread but at the end the only affecteds are the customers.

    We, as the end users, should not be doing those types of workarounds to temporary solve the issue (such as putting the watch in power save mode and then turn it off), why? Why do we do that when it is Garmin's Engineering duty? I would expect, on behalf of everyone who has this issue, to get a Reply from Garmin moderators stating that they have escalated this issue to Engineering team. 

  • I would expect, on behalf of everyone who has this issue, to get a Reply from Garmin moderators stating that they have escalated this issue to Engineering team. 

    I rather recommend filing a ticket with the Support. Garmin's forum, and particularly the app forums are largely unmonitored by the staff, and the volunteer moderators who intervene here up and then, have in fact no better contact to Garmin than the regular users. You have a slightly better chance to get a reply from a Garmin employee on the device-specific forums, but it is far to be guaranteed, and often it will be just a canned response anyway. Calling the support, and making sure they create a ticket for that case, is the way to go.