*** When I am logged into Garmin Connect (app or laptop/PC), there does not appear to be any way to move a past OR future Training Plan workout (no "grab dots" on the session bar). SUPER INCONVENIENT. I understand that when you're on a "plan" the coach wants you to stick to the workouts as prescribed, but that is not always possible in the real world. ***
This is the only workaround that I found that worked for me on the DAY AFTER a missed training session:
- Pause your training plan in Connect (phone app or laptop/PC)
- Manually recreate yesterday's missed training session in Connect (phone app or laptop/PC) then sync it to your device (not too hard, use the Repeats feature for intervals)
- Complete the manual training session
- Resume the training plan on the app or laptop/PC on the day after your manual training session. If that is a rest day on your plan, then you will have to manually create the 2nd "missed" session from the day before if one was scheduled. (If you resume the training plan on the same day as the manual session and a different training session was planned for that same day, you won't be able to move that one either. Nobody will stop you from doing 2 session in one day but many of us won't do that.)
I have re-created a few Training Plan sessions like this and named them the same workout name as in the training plan so that if I have to reuse it in the future for a missed session, it's then easier to add the correct manual session to the calendar For instance, instead of saving a manual session as "Run" change the name to "Speed repeats - manual." These created sessions are saved in Training & Planning / Workouts / My Workouts for future use. As training progresses and time/speed/etc. are added to the sessions, it's easy to edit the manually created sessions to keep up with the plan if you miss sessions.
I hope all of this makes sense.
GARMIN - would it be difficult to add a "Date" data field to ANY session (training plan, manually created, etc.) that you could manually change in the Edit mode and it will move the session on your calendar? I'm not a programmer, but that seems like it would be a very simple work-around for this problem that a lot of people seem to encounter.