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Exercise Load Missing in GC Web, but shown in GCM App

In the last days, on the WEB version of Garmin Connect, the load bars went missing. Even the load is calculated this is not shown in the graph!

Anyone with the same problem?



  • Most of my missing entries in the last month (there were several) have now been back-filled, I assume correctly. However, I have an indoor bike ride on 11th July which is included in the activity list, but not included in the graph.

    In fact, looking back at my earlier postings above, the load for the 11th was included on the graph and has now vanished.

  • YES



    Same issue, in outdoor swimming (lake) MK2i + HRM Swim both updated. Tempo but exercice load = 0 / Récup but exercice load 0 (in addition last activity was downloaded 2 times : 1 without TE & the the other one with (2,2)

    Thanks for your help

  • Hello !  Thank you for your post and permission to check out your account.  It looks like the your Exercise Load graph (in reports) is displaying each of your activities properly.  That issue is what this thread is addressing.

    Because your issue is different, I encourage you to reach out to your local Garmin France Product Support:

    Product Support

    France +33 1 55 69 33 99 (non-surcharged call)
    Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed on weekends and public holidays.
    If you want to resolve a connectivity issue between your Garmin device and your smartphone, contact us via another phone.
  • All,

    We're pleased to report that in the new version of our website, which was just released today, the previously affected reports are populating all of the information again. Please start a new thread if you experience any future issues.