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Exercise Load Missing in GC Web, but shown in GCM App

In the last days, on the WEB version of Garmin Connect, the load bars went missing. Even the load is calculated this is not shown in the graph!

Anyone with the same problem?



  • Yes same here. The activity list (link at the bottom of the graph) on the exercise load section, does not contain all the activities. It started happening on 16/07/2022 for me. I happens on the connect website only.

  • Yes, for some reason that I did not identify yet, some activities are indeed missing in the Exercise Load graph, and also in the list of Activities linked at the bottom left of the graph. However, when you open the missing activity, edit it, change a minor detail such as adding a Calorie, and save it, then reload the Training Stats report page, the missing activity will be there.

    I tried also with just saving the activity without any change, but that did nit work. Changing the title, gear, or perceived effort can perhaps work too, but I was not always successful in that way, hence I prefer doing a real edit of some of the data fields, to get it back to the Exercise Load report.

  • However, when you open the missing activity, edit it, change a minor detail such as adding a Calorie, and save it, then reload the Training Stats report page, the missing activity will be there.

    Editing the "Fluid Consumed" field worked for me!

    Thanks for the workaround tip.

  • Just a note - I did not manage (yet) adding a multisport activity (from yesterday) in this way. I edited all parts, but none of them appeared. I will give it another try later.

  • Some working, some do not, but the graph is not updating, missing until last week, month before is ok

  • Editing the "Fluid Consumed" field worked for me!

    Thanks for the workaround tip.

    Seems to be hit and miss - does not "fix" all activities that do not display on the training status bar graph.

  • Just for completeness, here are the pertinent reports in my record:

    After JUL 17, I completed 4 Activities every day (except today which is 0). I managed to fix the Activities on JUL 24 so that all of them display correctly on the Exercise Load graph by editing the Fluid Consumed field, but was unable to fix the other days that show less than 4 Activities.

    Hoping for a real fix from Garmin soon.

    Looping in @Garmin-Kevin

  • Same problem for me. 

    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. UK

    Also, TSS is being averaged for multiple rides on the same day instead of being accumulated.

  • Adding my voice too as I'm also missing activities in Training Score

    And in response to the Garmin-Kevin post: Yes, Yes, Australia