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Issue Saving Course in Garmin Connect Web When Importing Source as GPX from OS Maps

  • I'd be interested to hear what OS say but I doubt very much they will change anything as the files they are producing are valid (according to the GPX XML schema  -

    It definitely looks an issue with Garmin - the Connect app can load the files perfectly well and interpret the waypoints correctly but breaks when it tries to save. Connect web can load _and_ save the files correctly.

    It looks like the app will not save waypoints that look like this:

    <wpt lat="51.7615860" lon="-0.7443150"/>

    or this:

    <wpt lat="51.759468" lon="-0.74298099999999"></wpt>

    but is fine if you add extra elements in:

     <wpt lat="51.759468" lon="-0.74298099999999">

    Those elements are NOT required but the GPX spec but for some reason Garmin requires them :shrug:

  • A partially positive update! This morning I managed to export a new GPX from OS Maps web browser version (using 'export as track', not 'export as route'), imported it into Garmin Connect web and saved successfully without needing to make any modifications/remove waypoints etc.  So a bit of progress!  Did try in the Android apps but no change there unfortunately.

  • So strange there is a simple solution yet here we are being made to re direct our info to All Trails. Why wouldn't OS just have left it working, unless the diversion meant adding another data collection point and subverting our privacy. Let me guess, OS get nowt from garmin and garmin don't like you using OS when they have maps on offer!, ??

  • So strange there is a simple solution yet here we are being made to re direct our info to All Trails. Why wouldn't OS just have left it working, unless the diversion meant adding another data collection point and subverting our privacy. Let me guess, OS get nowt from garmin and garmin don't like you using OS when they have maps on offer!, ??

  • Probably late to the party but I have a work around for this. I am using iPhone and also have the UK Maps app installed (think it was about £6 when I downloaded it). If I download a gpx from a website, I pass it through the UK Maps app before then sharing it to the Garmin Connect app. That seems to work no dramas. This method doesn’t work on the Ordnance Survey app interestingly.