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"Remember me" (doesn't) Remember Me

The option to "Remember Me" has suddenly ceased to work. I have to enter username and password to log in each and every time.

I encounter the issue with each of my browsers: Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

This issue seems to have a very, very long and sporadic history.

It started again for me last week or so.

Anybody find a fix?

  • It is probably the same for everyone. It is broken since some weeks ago by Garmin.

  • At least it's not asking me for 2FA

  • This signing out thing is happening again …

    on both , Garmin Connect Web and the Forum.

    Garmin Connect Mobile is ok.

    It’s very annoying having to sign in every single day …

  • Yup, every day. I tell it to remember me, it never does. And, I have to use 2FA every time. It's very annoying and has been going on for months. 

  • I'v got same problem recently, two different computers affected. It started about 2 weeks ago, I don't remember exactly.

    Now I checked my Settings and have found strange date in Last login info.

    Could it be related? Any problem with Garmin servers?

  • Could it be related? Any problem with Garmin servers?

    I do not think so. I have no date there either, but stay signed in all the time. Respectively, the forum software is a bit weird, since it disconnects and reconnect automatically each few minutes. However I practically never have to sign in again. If you are being logged out, then I would suspect a problem with cookies. Try deleting the cookies on all subdomains of, make sure the domain is granted full permissions for cookies, and also check out 3rd party apps and browser plugins, like diverse anti-virus and adblockers, and add * to exceptions there as well.

  • I do not believe it is problem with cookies... I deleted them all few times on both computers... and problem started without any change on my computers and browsers etc... and any other services has no problem with permanent login through cookies

  • I'm guessing it has to do with using multiple devices to access the forums. It seems that if I continuously use my PC, I don't have to constantly log in. But if I alternative between the PC, my tablet and my phone, I'm constantly logging in, often with additional 2FA required.

    (This mainly happens with forums, Garmin Connect Web seems to be more resilient in keeping me logged in.)

  • my problem is especially that Connect web disconnects me again and again, about forum I don't care much and above all I don't access it from my phone

  • Same issue, with same last sign-in date, and even a weird forum sign-in name (didn't want to share that, as it seems to be some string that may be tied to my Garmin Connect acct.)

    I also need to login frequently to Garmin Connect IQ... and accept TOS every time.