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"Remember me" (doesn't) Remember Me

The option to "Remember Me" has suddenly ceased to work. I have to enter username and password to log in each and every time.

I encounter the issue with each of my browsers: Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

This issue seems to have a very, very long and sporadic history.

It started again for me last week or so.

Anybody find a fix?

  • Occasionally it logouts, but usually it remembers.

    If you have logout every time, then maybe check cookies settings.

    And also you can use a web-browser's passwords manager. Then you can quickly login with auto-fill option.

  • On further testing, I should have said it's sporadic – probably 8 out of 10 attempts requires me to sign in.

    As per cookies settings: I haven't changed them, nor have I encountered this problem in my 15 years or so of Garmin Connect usage.

    My browsers auto-fills username/password already.

    It's not that big of an issue, of course. I'm simply wondering why it suddenly began to happen, and what I can do to fix it.

    I quite literally have not changed anything whatsoever that would result in this issue: haven't changed security settings (neither on my network nor any of my computers), haven't started using a VPN, haven't added any adblockers.

    Probably just another case of Garmin Connect being Garmin Connect.

  • Try deleting the cookies for *, and see whether the new ones behave better.

  • Thanks for the idea. Sadly, it didn't work.

  • Issue has gotten worse after I deleted cookies associated with Garmin. Now I sometimes have to log in twice before Garmin Connect will load! Happens on all of my browsers – Firefox, Safari, Brave, and Opera – and on both my laptop and desktop.

    I regularly use at least two dozen other websites that keep me logged in – and each of them continues to keep me logged in. Only Garmin Connect (and Garmin Forums) refuse to remember me.

  • I'm having the same problem but only after changing to Edge...

    Garmin support has told me to use Chrome... (?) ...

  • Sorry to hear (though misery does love company!) Don't even know what Edge is – but I'll be sure to avoid it!

  • I am experiencing the same issue across browsers: firefox, chrome, edge

  • Just some questions that might help localizing the problem: don't you by hazard use a connection with frequently changing IP address? Does it happen when using an alternative Internet connection, or connecting from another location? Do you use some kind of anonymizer or VPN? Did you try suspending diverse adblockers, anti-virus programs, and other similar tools that could prevent the storage of cookies from Garmin. Tried disabling all browser extensions? Sufficient space on the drive where the browser stores cookies? Did you try allowing 3rd party cookies? Those are often forbidden by default, but since Garmin uses several domains for diverse site components, it could perhaps play a role. 

  • Don't know what "a connection with frequently changing IP address" means. I'm using the same connection I've used for 15 years or so – 15 years in which I've never encountered this problem with Garmin Connect.

    Haven't tried accessing via another internet connection.

    Don't really know what an VPN is – so it's unlikely I use one.

    Tried turning off the only add-on/extension I use – didn't change anything (furthermore, I use this one add-on only on one of the 5 or 6 browsers that I use (each of which gives me the same problem).

    Lots of drive space.

    The easiest way to put it: I went to sleep one night after using Garmin Connect unproblematically throughout that day (like I have the previous 15 years or so) – and I woke up the next day (a day in which I didn't add or change anything whatsoever with my internet connection, my browsers, or my computer) – and the problem was there.