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Wrong/missing training status and training load


I have missing and wrong training status and training load in Garmin Connect Web and Android (marked in arrows in the screenshot below). It started about two days after Garmin fixed the training status outage in their Connect platform. My watch (Forerunner 645) displayed valid training status and training load on these days, but they are missing in the app and on the web. Furthermore, the training load dips (accompanied by the blue recovery training status) are wrong. My watch showed a training status of Maintaining and a stable training load on these days. I also looked at my activities in the 7-day period and concluded there should not be any dips. I train consistently on regular days and hence my training load is always smooth and stable as can be seen prior to the first missing point. 

  • .  Because your issue pre-dates the known instances mentioned in this thread, please reach out to us in a separate thread.  Because the Training Status/Load is generated/calculated on your Garmin device, please choose the appropriate product to start your new thread.  You may also reach out to your local Garmin Product Support Team.

  • Hi Garmin-Kevin,

    Never in my life I will contact Local Garmin Support. The last 2 years they have treated me (and many other complaining customers) like s**t! They act ignorant, never contacted the developers in the US where it's clear that there are major SW bugs in both the device SW and the underlying Garmin Express DB SW. I have reverse engineered the architecture of the whole set of G Connect, G Express and the role of the device.

    The fact that the 6 Months graphs and 1 Year Graphs have calculation errors and the HA doesn't add up are SW issues in GC and GE.

    A year ago I made a test account to which already for a long time no devices are connected at all. There I see the same kind of calculation errors and the HA ,LA and AnA values today still at the same level as a year ago where only last year for 3 or 4 weeks some exercises were loaded in that account. So that's for sure a SW bug in Express/Connect, not in the device.

    I can start the 2 a new threats (both for the Web App)  but what are the chances then that it is seriously picked up by Garmin?

    I have lost my confidence in Garmin Local Support completely and had to start an official complaint at our national privacy authority to let them put my wrecked data back in my current account.

    Tnx already for your action

  • First, I want to say that I am sorry to hear about that experience with your local support.  We are of course happy to assist you here, though it may not be as detailed and as easy/quick as we hope local support can be.  Again, I'm sorry that was not your experience.

    Next, let me address your test account goes and why it did not change when no devices were paired to it. Garmin Connect currently displays Training Load if there was Training Load measured during the period on the device selected. Previous versions of Connect had a different method. Cycling activities calculate Training Load for each activity, but will only generate Training Status data if heart rate and power data are included.  Please see the FAQs below for more info:

    If you see any issues in the future, please reach back out to us.  Your Edge 1030 will display the last 7 days of your Training Status data, so if you see any discrepancies between what your Edge shows and what your Garmin Connect shows, be sure to reach out to us within that 7-day timeframe.  Additionally, because this Training Status/Load data is generated on the Edge unit (and only displayed in Garmin Connect), if you have any further issues, we recommend that you post in the device thread instead of the Garmin Connect (web or mobile) thread.
  • Hi Garmin-Kevin,

    Thanks for your fast response.

    I still have 2 major issues which cannot be addressed in the way the Forum works whether it's the E1030 or Connect/Express.

    How can I get the document (pdf) with the screenshots and calculation examples which show the bugs directly to you/Garmin development as Local Support has refused for the last 2 years to pass this info.

    Local Support came with the same links you included and these do not describe nor solve the issues. As already said I reverse engineered the Architecture (I am in HW and SW development myself professionally) and therefor know where the SW bugs are.

    Again already many thanks for your help.

  • I'm also missing the training status (since November 17th in my case). What's the problem -  and the solution?

  • Hi Claudi,

    My Training Status/7-Day Training Load of 11 to 13 November is also missing. No idea why, no solution available yet. Is in study at Garmin. Hope they fix these bugs soon.

  • Missing training load data (again) this time for 11/20.

  • All- 

    If you are also missing your Training Status from (at least) October 11th, please reply with the following:

    1. May we, if necessary, have permission to email you?
    2. May we, if necessary, have permission to view/access your Garmin Connect account?
    3. In what country do you live?
  • 1. Yes.

    2. Yes. 

    3. U.S.