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Missing Swimming badges, challenges, ...

Hi All

I get the feeling that swimming is not taken seriously, it seems that every now and then there is a challenge swimming 1000m in a month. In general I am missing badges, challenges, etc. 

Does anyone from Garmin know if there is any plans to level it up, eg. activities like running or cycling??

Thanks in advance.

  • Just a bit trolling around, but to be honest, I was never ever motivated by these badges or challenges. I never understood what are they for.

  • Hi,

    I see it is as another metrics, really high level of monthly achievement, and a bit motivational. It seems to me that Garmin are selling multisport watches but they are not really supporting anything other than running and cycling.

    Watches are good, but others are proving far more services, I do not even get an official reply in the forum, upfff.


  • Since the original Garmin Swim from 2012 was discontinued a few years ago, there is not a lot of activity in that forum. I've moved this thread to the Garmin Connect Web forum for better visibility.

    Meanwhile, I suggest submitting a request - Share Ideas | Garmin

  • The challenges are pretty new. Just been around for a year. Almost every month we see something new so just wait and see. This month it was hiking and the yoga and strength challenges got 5 hours each.

    I think we have had 3 swimming challenges this year. Just 1000 meter each so nothing hard. Hopefully Garmin will make one with a bit more distance. At least once or twice each year.

  • I would love to see some harder swim challenges. I swim 1500 - 2000 meters every day so 1000 meters is nothing!

  • Hi,

    I have received a message from Garmin mentioning that challenges are rather new, and they have added recently added challenges for activities like yoga, but do you sell yoga watches?? I am sure you are selling at least swimming watch.

    Not trying to impose one sport above another, I get the impression you are not paying enough attention to at least your swim2 product.


    What do you think if we provide you with suggestions:


    I am not competing , not a professional, just do it for health reasons.



  • Yes. A monthly challenge for those of us who swim daily to maybe push ourselves. Or weekly. It would be too much to ask for something like the step challenge that shows people who step an average of what you do and adjusts so you are up against others who step as much as you. But that would be the dream. A swim challenge on par with that one.

  • I would also love to see comparable swimming badges to the cycling and running ones. How isn't you can get a badge for flying a drone but the only swimming badge is 1k in a week?! Come on garmin, get your act together, some of us actually enjoy swimming.  We need a repeatable 10k badge same as marathon run and some more swim options as well as broader monthly challenges please. 

    Also, while I'm at it, why is the 50,000 step badge not repeatable?  it's the walking equivalent of a marathon (which is a repeatable badge)

  • 8 points repearable is a marathon run. Equivalent swim is 10km

  • One year on, still no improvement in the swimming sector. You get badges for monthly strength, yoga, etc. achievements but not for swimming. Garmin, please take action. Thanks.