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Missing Swimming badges, challenges, ...

Hi All

I get the feeling that swimming is not taken seriously, it seems that every now and then there is a challenge swimming 1000m in a month. In general I am missing badges, challenges, etc. 

Does anyone from Garmin know if there is any plans to level it up, eg. activities like running or cycling??

Thanks in advance.

  • More than a year on, there is no improvement. I find this is discriminating swimmers. Monthly challenge badges are offered for a variety of sports, but not swimming.

  • Also no Inline Skating, SUP, Bouldering Badges.

    Additionally fun stuff could be done with the Solar watches "spend x hours outside" badge.

  • Would love to see more meaningful swimming challenges! Garmin Swim 2 can detect strokes and chart distance... where are the weekly stroke challenges or distance challenges? This seems like a no-brainer and a good use of features the watch already has!

  • Totally agree, my main activity is swimming would love to see some much longer distance badges. I usually complete the swim challenges in a couple of sessions. I have to imagine anyone that's swims reasonably seriously would do the same. They dont really present much of a 'challenge' at the moment