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Troubleshooting guide for (some) data missing after syncing

When you find that after syncing, part of the data is still missing in your Garmin Connect Account (for example the heart rate, steps, Intensity Minutes, or Activities), then there are basically the following possibilities. The most common and the most likely reason in most cases is the #4.

  1. First of all, as also in case of most other problems with your device, the first thing to try, is a soft reset (typically - holding the Light button for some 20s, until the device shuts down), or powering down and powering up the device. It often fixes weird behavior, especially after firmware updates.

  2. Your Privacy Settings do not allow sending data to the Garmin Account (verify the option Storage & Processing), or the device is not set as the Preferred Activity Tracker (check out the Device Settings on the Garmin Connect Mobile app » Activity Tracking » Preferred Activity Tracker)

  3. The BT synchronization on the phone app does not work (the white circle around the watch symbol never closes) - in that case follow the tips in the Sync / Connection Troubleshooting Guide. Alternatively, you can sync the data with the GC account over the USB cable and Garmin Express on a computer, or manually by importing files from the device folder //GARMIN/ACTIVTY/ to the Import Data page of GC Web (in case of errors during the import, see the hint #4). On Android devices you can (and you should) also review the Device Sync Audit (in GCM Menu » Settings), and browse though the last audit reports looking for errors and warnings.

  4. When the synchronization works (the white sync circle closes and turns green), but not all the data is appearing in your account, then it very probably means that there is problems with the association of your device to the GC account. Again, try restarting the watch (if you did not just do it), and shutting down the GC Mobile app (iOS: swipe it up in the iOS App Switcher; Android: Android Settings » Apps » Connect » Force to Stop), and then restarting it. If it does not help, remove the device from Garmin Connect, and then add it back again. If it does not help do all these steps:

    1. Remove the watch from the Garmin Connect Mobile app
    2. Sign out of the GCM app!
    3. Remove the watch from the list of Bluetooth devices on your phone (Android or iOS system settings » Bluetooth !
    4. Remove the watch from the Garmin Express on the computer
    5. Sign out of GE!
    6. Remove the watch from the Garmin Connect Web
    7. Sign out of the web account!
    8. Sign in back to your original Garmin Connect account on the app, and add the watch again. Repeat with Garmin Express.

    Please note that this operation will not bring back the lost data, but it prevents that it continues to happen!

  5.  When it does not help, perform the Master Reset of the watch/device - it will have similar effect, but you will need to redo some configuration and customization of the device.

  6. The storage (or a FIT file storing the Activity details or HR data and the steps data) is damaged or full. Try backing up and deleting old files from the folder //GARMIN/Activity and //GARMIN/Monitor. Look up the last unsynced activities from the folder //GARMIN/Activity, and try importing them manually on the Import Data page of GC Web. If you get errors when trying to import them, try fixing the broken files by passing them through the Section Remover of FIT File Tools (without removing anything), and then importing again the repaired file(s).

  7. If you own a second-hand device, or a device from not a well known online reseller, there is a chance it is a stolen, or a counterfeit device. Garmin continuously removes any such devices with known S/N from their database, disabling so their syncing to your Garmin Connect account. If you suspect it could be your case, contact the Product Support, ask them to verify the serial number of your device, and if not found in their database, or when being on the blacklist, contact the seller and request a refund. See an example of such case in the thread Help with data not updating after sync
  • Some addtional info to the hint #4:

    The issue can be also caused by a duplicate phantom account. You can check whether you are concerned by the duplicate account issue by looking up your user name, and your email address(es) on the Connection Search page. Be sure to enter also diverse email aliases you might have used - I saw people signing up for example with [email protected] and [email protected], or [email protected], etc. If the searches show more than one hit for the email address(es) or screen name, you found the culprit.

    You really have to follow all the instructions, and in the right order. You have to first remove the device from the Garmin Connect Mobile app, from Garmin Connect Web, and from Garmin Express. Then sign out of all three apps. Restart the watch. Now sign in back to all three apps with the very same credentials, and the device there. You do not need to reinstall the apps.

    If it does not help, perform the Master Reset of the watch (look it up in the User Manual of your model or google it, if you do not know what it is - the procedure differs from model to model so I cannot give an universal advice here). Just note, that the Master Reset will wipe most of the settings and customizations of the device, and you'll have to redo them.

  • An additional tip for recovering data of missing activites caused by the duplicate account issue (hint #4)

    Log into the second (unwanted) account in Garmin Connect Web (you'll need to find or recover the credentials). Once you are there, export the activities missing in the other account. Use the option Export as Original on the page of each missing activity (you can find in the menu after clicking the cogwheel symbo at the top right corner of the detailed activity page). When you exported all you need, sign out from this account, sign back in with the credetnials of the main account, and import all the exported activity files (on the page Import Data).

    In similar way, you can export and import also the daily data (Steps, HR, Calories, IMs, Stress, Sleep, ...). Just instead of the Activity pages, export the data from the Daily Summary of the secondary (unwanted) account for every day missing in the main account.

  • I would like to thank you for this troubleshooting guide. By following your instructions I was able to resolve an issue with my wife's Instinct not syncing all of her data with both the Connect mobile app and the Connect web application. Thank you!

  • Trux,

    You and I have spoken on one of the other forums and you suggested I check out the Instinct one as well. Just to remind you who I am, here is my issue (the watch works fine other than this)...

    I take part in an activity and upon the conclusion of said activity (it happens with all of them) the ACTIVE (not activity) calories that I burn in that given activity do not add up correctly when I sync and check the Garmin Connect app. For example, this morning I took a walk. When I started my walk Garmin Connect reported I had burned 709 resting calories and 21 ACTIVE calories (remember this number) for a TOTAL of 730.

    I then took my walk and burned 328 TOTAL calories (resting + active). According to thee activity report in Connect, of the 328 total calories burned during my walk 259 were ACTIVE and 69 were resting. So, upon concluding the walk I SHOULD have burned 280 ACTIVE calories (21 pre walk+259 during walk), however, Connect said I had only burned 216 ACTIVE calories. 

    When we spoke 10 days ago I shared screenshots with you as well as the links to the workouts and you agreed there was an issue but obviously couldn't pinpoint it. I reported that I noticed this after my watch rebooted during a workout and I figured that was the reason, however, my watch has been stable with no reboots other than the ones I myself have initiated as weekly "maintenance", however, this continues to happen. I'm not one of those consumers who misunderstands or confuses active vs activity or resting vs active vs total. I understand all of this and there is clearly an issue. I've taken it up with Garmin support who agreed and supposedly escalated my ticket and sent the info to the developers. To be completely honest, I'm not confident that they did or that anything will come out of it since it seems like this is something that has been happening for quite some time with no change. 

    I'm reaching out to you here to ask if you think the above list of steps would help me and my problem as well? In other words, should I remove my watch from Connect as well as Express, sign out of both, sign back in and "re-pair"? I don't want to go through the steps if there's no chance of it working. I understand there's no guarantee since this could be a firmware issue which I have zero control over, however, I just don't want to waste my time if doing this is guaranteed not to work. 

    I appreciate your time,


  • Just some additional information regarding my experience with the recommended process...start to finish took under 10 minutes and I did not have to pair my wife's Instinct again even though I removed it from the Connect mobile app and then added it back again. Your results may vary but even with re-pairing I'd still think you're under 15 minutes. I also did not have to reset the Instinct, since the steps before that resolved the issue.

  • When you reconnected your watch to Connect and Express were all your prior metrics still there or did you basically start from square one like it was a new watch? Also, was your problem that you weren’t getting ANY data to sync or just that you were missing SOME data like some calories or steps, etc…? Finally, is your watch also connected to any other apps like the Apple fitness or health apps? Sorry for so many questions, just trying to narrow down some things. 


  • No data/metrics were lost in the process. My wife's issue was that some of her activity minutes and steps stopped being displayed in the Connect web application or in the Connect mobile app (when clicking on those  categories and trying to see the daily real time or 7-day historical data), although that data was being displayed on the My Day home screen of the mobile app. All of the data was on the watch, however. No, her Instinct is not connected to any other fitness or health apps. Hope this helps you sort things out.

  • Thanks, we’ll see. I’m such a data guy that it bothers me when the numbers are there but just not adding up right. I suppose it can’t hurt to try this. Thanks for the answers. 

  • I understand, but I'm Good luck.

  • Oh I’m OCD too. That’s partly why it bothers me so much. My wife thinks I’m crazy and obsessing over it (she might be right lol). Thanks!