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Cycling route goes on private road

I am trying to use Garmin Connect Web to create a road cycling custom route and it keeps directing me through a private road. How can I get it to avoid private roads? In Garmin Connect I have selected the OpenStreetMap map option. And in OSM I can see that McGill Road in Saratoga, CA is properly tagged as "access: private". But if I tell Garmin Connect to route me from the south end of Bohlman Rd onto the western portion of CA-9 (Congress Springs Rd) then it always tries to take me through McGill Rd. This happens regardless of whether the routing option is set to "Popularity Routing" or "Follow Roads". Is this a defect?

  • One thing is that OSM on Connect is a copy.
    Actually there are two copies: one for display, second for HeatMap and creating Courses.
    Those copies are updated separately - and what's really bad - Connect hides a date when a copy was created. So you can never be sure if you look for current or outdated map.

    This year they updated display layer, and as I checked, current display copy was made few days before the end of 08.2019, at least for one region I checked. It's possible that copies of other regions were made at other dates.

    Layer for creating Courses/HeatMap is probably from 2020 (didn't check exact date), but again, it can differ with regions.


    Second thing: would need more checking how it works with private roads - I quickly checked Bear Creek Way which has a small part of private path with tag added in 2015 - and it avoided that part. So it could be just problem with outdated map data. The path from your post was made private 05.2019 (you can expand all history on OSM).

    So you can check more roads which were made private longer time ago, to be sure if it's about private tag or maybe type of road.