If you've enabled LiveTrack with "Extend Session Visibility," and it's not past 24 hours ago, you might be able to recover the GPS track using a LiveTrack converter, such as LiveTrack…
What was the distance supposed to be? I see about 2.9 miles or 4.7 km.
Some fit files can be fixed by FIT File Tools, using the section remover without any adjustments. The result can then be uploaded to Garmin Connect Web using the Import Data page. I tested your file, so this…
hi Shougi
had a look at the recovered files
looks like the edge was not turned off after deletion mishap
tip : care about sharing your data on a world wide forum, delete your file(s) or link(s) afterwards, so will I
happy & safe sporting
Hi OnlyTwo,
looks like the edge was not turned off after deletion mishap
Yes, you're right. I was in a big ride and I finished to climb a pass. I pressed on pause button and I leaned on the handlebars of my bike. Accidently, my t-shirt pressed on delete, on the edge 1030 screen.
5 minutes after I restart a "short" ride of about 1,5 km and I stopped it, save it. I did that because I searched on my phone "how to recover a deleted ride" and I found this topic.
I switched off my edge 1030 and finished my ride with my Fenix 7X.
tip : care about sharing your data on a world wide forum, delete your file(s) or link(s) afterwards, so will I
I will delete files, but I don't know what is the best mean to upload those files on Garmin forum. If you have a better solution, I will take it.
I'm trying to do a new recovery and I will upload those new files.
I asked me one question. How it is possible to delete so easily a ride ? I mean, Garmin should implement a safety to avoid this type of problem. You can imagine that you have to press on 2 buttons on the same time to confirm the deletion.
Thanks for the link, I will share my idea.
I re-upload my files from the new recovery that I did. If you find a ride for the 16th of October with about 145 kms, it will be the good one.
Thanks for your help.
Ok thanks for your help !
My ride is definitively lost...
This will work - 4642536-fixed.zip
Unzip the file then import into Garmin Connect Web. Change the activity type from "other" to "running."
I used FIT File Tools section remover to fix this one. I tested your file to verify that this will work.
Some suggestions to help minimize the occurrence of corrupt fit files:
Thank you seilogramp for your quick fix and reply.
While waiting i also found a workaround: i uploaded the file to strava then exported a gpx file from strava and loaded to the garmin account.
Thanks again!
i uploaded the file to strava then exported a gpx file from strava and loaded to the garmin account.
While that can work to some extent, your activity will be missing some data, such as run cadence, device information, etc., as the GPX file strips out these metrics that are contained in the FIT file.