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Routing issues with Garmin Connect

The trendline popularity routing seems unavailable? When will it be back?

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  • What country? It's working in my location

  • Can you send a screenshot? I'm seeing the popularity heatmap in the Brussels area.

  • You are correct, the heatmap is there, but when I try to create a 'tour' I get the message that 'something went wrong' or that 'it is not available'

  • Seems to work on Google Maps. On OpenStreetMap it is very slow to draw and sometimes gives me the error.

  • Bonjour,

    J'essaie de générer un.oarcoufs aléatoire pour un entraînement, hors impossible de le faire quelque soit le point de départ ou le type d'entraînement... l'application cherche un moment puis cela marque: erreur parcours...

    Bref, j'ai éteint/allumé l'application. Réinstallé l'app. Éteint/allumé le tel. Vérifiez toute les autorisation et les blocage eventuels(position/carte/ne pas déranger...)


    Pour info, j'ai un Samsung Note20 Ultra bien a jour.



  • impossible to do it whatever the starting point or the type of training ... the application looks for a moment and then it marks: error course ...

    Are you using the Round Trip option or Custom? Probably nothing to do with the app, since I tried the same thing on Garmin Connect Web. Seems to error out when doing round trip when starting near your location in France.

    The same thing happened a few weeks ago. I ended up contacting Garmin Support via chat. See this thread - Create Roundtrip: Oops, something went wrong. Dismiss

  • Not working for round trips in Northern Europe either. Not on web, not in app. Can create a course on watch, but can't get it uploaded to the garmin connect web. Also, creating custom trips manually doesn't work well on web. First it gave an error saying the popularity routes aren't available, later just froze when drawing any routes.

    I received an European topographic map update on watch today, but not sure if related. 

  • As a workaround, until the issue gets fixed by Garmin, you can create the courses with an external tool, and import them into Garmin Connect, or even placing them directly on the device, bypassing Garmin Connect entirely. There are countless services for the route planning, and one of those that I know can export data in the Garmin native FIT file format, and including also the turn-by-turn navigation instructions, is at

  • Garmin connect, Road cycling, popularity routing does not work? "Sorry, popularity routing is not available right now. Use another drawing method to add new points."

    For how long is this down?

    In Switzerland...