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Garmin Connect - own exercise name


there is any possibility to make my own training with my own exercises names in Garmin Connect? I miss this feature so much.

Im doing specific training like calisthenic and i want to enter my own name of exercise. Now i can only select from available list.

Could you add field (next to "choose type") something like "other" where i can enter my specific exercise?

Please! its really helps me and others. When we do workout, we dont have time to reads own notes under exercise names....what i have to do now. 

  • I agree!  The choice of exercises is limited and some of the exercises are totally obscure, while simpler exercises such as running on the spot, or even skipping (rope) aren't there!  Why can't we add our own????  The mind boggles.

  • An "I agree" reply just to let Garmin know this is a clearly wanted feature.

    BTW: Already submitted a "feature request" too.

  • I tried this option of entering it in the notes. But the notes do not show up on the watch doing to the workout. Isn't it the goal of creating a workout to follow the workout with the help of the watch? So this workaround is unfortunately not solving the issue during a workout when using a watch.

  • Please allow for people to manually write the exercise names for their activities or please add more exercises to the predefined list. For example the regular "chest press" is not on the list. Nor is "seated hip abduction" or "seated hip adduction." These are simple exercises that are commonly performed but aren't listed. Please use other sources to allow for a more complete list of exercises. This is disappointing considering there are a vast amount of books that list many different exercises with illustrations.

  • Oh wow even after 3 years and I guess the best you can do is ... type that exercise name in notes?

    Anybody else found anything else?

  • Any changes in this? I need to have other exercises too. Not only the ones in the list. For example the "skin the cat" exercise is not there.

  • Any news about that... it's incredible that such a easy stuff would not be allowed!!!

  • During the three years this conversion is going on and none of the suggested features has been implemented, no one from Garmin even bothered to provide an answer.

    My question is: why should we continue giving our money to a company that tread us like this?

  • To everyone reading through this topic - spam connect app reviews with one star explaining the feature request, they will notice it! 

    It's unbelievable that such a simple thing was not added over the years. 

  • Agreed, for something so simple and so useful you can’t tell me it’s not doable considering all the advance stuff they add! Fix this Garmin!