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Garmin Connect - own exercise name


there is any possibility to make my own training with my own exercises names in Garmin Connect? I miss this feature so much.

Im doing specific training like calisthenic and i want to enter my own name of exercise. Now i can only select from available list.

Could you add field (next to "choose type") something like "other" where i can enter my specific exercise?

Please! its really helps me and others. When we do workout, we dont have time to reads own notes under exercise names....what i have to do now. 

  • Maybe a bit easier if Garmin just implemented a user field though!

    If you can wait, then certainly. If you cannot, there are several workarounds available, as you see.

  • Hi,

    Garmin Connect won't allow the users to manually type own Exercise Name (in strength training), i.e. you have to select from a predefined list.

    The list is looong and I am sure most possible exercises are there, but there's two that I have not been able to find. I assume this is because I don't know the proper English name.

    The first is "pause squat", which is normal squat except that you freeze in the bottom position for a second before going back up.

    The second is "pec deck flies":

    I am sorry to ask the stupid question, but does anyone know what these are called in the Garmin list of Exercise Names:

  • Hi, I have a similar "problem". It seems that there is only a fixed list of exercises and that you can't maintain or add your own entries.

  • As a workaround, just select whatever name you like, and put your own name or description into the notes. 

  • Hi,

    I agree, that has been my workaround so far. But it is so inconvenient that I actually consider using some other software to log my progress at the gym. There are so many great apps for this, that I feel I cannot be bothered with an app that has this kind of limitations. 

  • Yup, same issue here. Really annoying. I noticed the other post that relates to this which had loads of people over the lat 2 years requesting Garmin to do an update has now been locked. Last comment was 3 months ago. Maybe this means they are looking into it? But just in case not:

    +1 for Garmin to sort this out :) 

  • Maybe this means they are looking into it?

    Unless you have contacted Garmin directly with the request, it is not too likely they have spot it in the user forum.

  • It seems that there is only a fixed list of exercises and that you can't maintain or add your own entries.

    To make it worse, the auto filtered selection box is really annoying. If you just want the basic exercise and type its name, you often have to scroll through a lot of special versions before you reach the one you wanted.

    For example if you type Squat, you get this...:

    ...and then you have to scroll down 7 times before you actually get to the plain "Squat".

  • Hi true,

    I agree with you, contacting Garmin support is crucial to get attention to the problem. Bad news is, I had a lengthy chat with a support agent yesterday, and.... he said "it probably won't be added unless there is a tremendous amounts if asks, since I have not seen anything added for a long time". 

    The the xxxx is it so difficult for Garmin to allow users to simply type in their own exercises. This simple feature would solve so much. 

    Any of you guys have experience on any other gym log apps?

  • Good points. I believe they not really making an effort on this. Apparently Garmin is focusing on Strava related stuff, i.e. runners and the like. They don't care much for weight lifting.