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Garmin Coach doesn't update after benchmark run


I did the first (benchmark run) of the half marathon program of the Garmin coach. The run had been initially scheduled for Tuesday but automatically moved to Wednesday and Thursday because I didn't do it. However after completing the workout on Thursday it again automatically moved to Friday instead of recognizing it was completed and updating the rest of the plan.

To be clear; I completed the benchmark run correctly on Thursday; it shows up in the list of activities in Garmin connect; but in the coach overview it rescheduled to Friday and the plan didn't automatically add new workouts. I'm using a forerunner 645M.

  • Just to make sure - did you really start the training on the watch as training, or did you start just a regular running activity? Did you follow all the instructions on the watch during the benchmark run, including the warm-up and cool-down steps (if included in the benchmark of your plan)? Did you save and sync the activity afterwards?

  • Using the widget worked for me 

  • The widget worked for me!

  • Hi - same happening to me - which widget do you go into and what steps do you take - all I seem able to do is view the run

  • The benchmark run is in your agenda widget.

    Do not try  to run by using the choose sport button, because then the run will not be registered.

    When you use the bottom left button and keep scrolling,  you will find 'week 1 benchmark run' 

    Press top right button and you can start workout after choosing, which workout you want to do. After that you can start and it will register correct.

    After you did  the run,  check your training agenda and you will see the first three training moments are planned. 

  • I started the benchmark run via widget. Still got the issue. How is it that Garmin just doesn't care about issues? After googling a bit it seems the issue persists for more than a year. I mean what kind of company is so bad in solving something so crucial for the user experience?

  • That's Garmin for you. Strava is just as bad. My widget has a checkmark next to the benchmark run time, but it still says sync for next workout multiple syncs have done nothing. Just hoping time switching to the next day will fix it.

  • I had the same problem and the solution proposed by 1368706 actually worked with a little modification. 

    He said: I figured out a solution.  To briefly summarize:  a completed training workout shows up as an activity, but doesn't get recognized by the Garmin Coach.    Steps to solve (I'm using the Garmin app on an Android):  open the activity, click the three vertical dots in the upper right corner, edit activity, scroll down to Activity Settings, tap Event Type, change from Uncategorized to Training, tap Save.  Navigate to Garmin Coach and you should see your activity recognized as completed workout as part of your Training.  Hope this helps.

    I already had the Event Type set as Training and it had not synced. I changed it instead to "Fitness" and it worked. I then changed it back to "Training" and it remained. I think just making the change in that field prompts a resynch. It might be that any field might work but I can't tell as mine is now fixed. Thank you to 1368706

    • This just worked for me too on a Forerunner 45! Many thanks!