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Garmin Coach doesn't update after benchmark run


I did the first (benchmark run) of the half marathon program of the Garmin coach. The run had been initially scheduled for Tuesday but automatically moved to Wednesday and Thursday because I didn't do it. However after completing the workout on Thursday it again automatically moved to Friday instead of recognizing it was completed and updating the rest of the plan.

To be clear; I completed the benchmark run correctly on Thursday; it shows up in the list of activities in Garmin connect; but in the coach overview it rescheduled to Friday and the plan didn't automatically add new workouts. I'm using a forerunner 645M.

  • Exact same problem for me. I completed the benchmark yesterday, and the plan is telling me to run another today. I'm using vivoactive 3 

  • I tried again today after first deleting this morning the whole plan & then setting it up again. Unfortunately, the benchmark run is again not recognized. This renders the whole feature useless.

  • I mailed support today;  I'll post the reply here

  • Is this working for anyone at all? I have mailed Garmin support; no reply yet after 5 business days unfortunately...

  • I'm kind of talking to myself here, but I did get it to work eventually; so just in case anyone else has the same problem: the solution for me was deleting the original coach plan (from Amy Mitchell) and setting up the coach plan from Greg McMillan.

    I don't know if switching the trainer is just a coincidence, but I did try to delete and restart the plan from Amy before a couple of times and that didn't work at that moment. I now successfully completed the benchmark run and the plan seems to move forward (second training was scheduled).

    I noticed that after completing the work out the watch asked me about my perceived effort (easy, moderate, hard etc...); I didn't do this in the prior weeks when the plan didn't work. So not sure where the bug is. But at least it's working now. If there's still a reply from Garmin support I'll post it.

  • II'm having the same problem here with Coach Amy.  I've run it twice.  Seems like several people have had this problem with Coach Amy's plan.

  • I am having this problem with coach Greg - I will try switching my trainer tomorrow

  • I see this is 3 months old, but i am having the same problem today.  The benchmark keeps resetting like i never did it.  I guessing i need to change coaches after reading that everyone with this problem is with coach Amy.  I'm on Apple IOS

  • I see this is 3 months old, but i am having the same problem today on Coach Amy.  The benchmark keeps resetting like i never did it.  I'm guessing i need to change coaches after reading that everyone with this problem is with coach Amy.  I'm on Apple IOS

  • I see this is 3 months old, but i am having the same problem today.  The benchmark keeps resetting like i never did it.  I guessing i need to change coaches after reading that everyone with this problem is with coach Amy.  I'm on Apple IOS